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       SACRED MARRIAGE                               IF I HAD A PARENTING                            DIFFERENT
          GARY THOMAS                                        DO OVER                            SALL CLARKSON

         SMS the keyword                                Jonathan McKee                            SMS the keyword
   “sacred” followed by your                             SMS the keyword                       “different” followed by
                                                    “parenting” followed by                  your name and address
      name and address to                          your name and address
           32697 to enter.*                             to 32697 to enter.*                       to 32697 to enter.*

Happy is good. Holy is better.                 Ever wish parenting came with a do-       From his early childhood, Nathan was
Your marriage is more than a sacred            over button?                              bursting with creativity and uncontain-
covenant with another person. It is a                                                    able energy, struggling not only with
spiritual discipline designed to help          “Here’s where I messed up. . .”           learning issues but also with anxiety
you know God better, trust him more                                                      and OCD.
fully, and love him more deeply. What          Whenever I say those words during my
if God’s primary intent for your mar-          parenting workshops, you can hear a       He saw the world through his own
riage isn’t to make you happy . . . but        pin drop. Parents are on the edges of     unique lens―one that often caused
holy?                                          their seats.                              him to be labeled as “bad,” “troubled,”
Sacred Marriage doesn’t just offer                                                       or someone in need of “fixing.” Bravely
techniques to make a marriage hap-             “And here’s what I’d do differently next  choosing to listen to her motherly intui-
pier. It does contain practical tools, but     time. . .”                                tion rather than the loud voices of the
what married Christians most need is                                                     world, Sally dared to believe that Na-
help in becoming holier husbands               That’s when every pen in the room be-     than’s differences could be part of an
and wives. Sacred Marriage offers              gins writing furiously.                   intentional design from a loving Crea-
that help with insights from Scripture,                                                  tor with a plan for his life.
church history, time tested wisdom             Let’s face it. Hindsight is 20/20.
from Christian classics, and examples                                                    She trusted that the things that made
from today’s marriages.                        If you ever find yourself saying “I wish  him different were the very things that
Sacred Marriage reveals how mar-               I had a do-over. . .” You’re not alone!   could make him great. Join Sally and
riage trains us to love God and others         Join author and youth culture expert,     Nathan as they share their stories from
well, how it exposes sin and makes us          Jonathan McKee, as he shares from         a personal perspective as mother and
more aware of God’s presence, how              his own personal parenting experi-        son. If you are in need of help and
good marriages foster good prayer,             ences of raising three kids, while mak-   hope in your own journey with an out-
how married sex feeds the spiritual            ing purposeful, effective tweaks along    side-the-box child, or if you’re an adult
life, and more. The revised edition of         the way. Delivered with a refreshing      trying to make sense of your differenc-
Sacred Marriage takes into account             blend of humor and vulnerability, the     es, you’ll find deep insight, resonance,
the ways men’s and women’s roles               author’s candid style and real-world      and encouragement in the pages of
have expanded since the book was               application will equip you with solid,    this book.
first written.                                 helpful practices you can actually use
It has been streamlined to be a faster         in your own home.
read without losing the depth that so
many readers have valued. Sacred               With chapters like “Let It Go,” “Press
Marriage uncovers the mystery of               Pause,” and “Tip the Scales,” McKee
God’s overarching purpose. This book           provides the honest answers you’re
may very well alter profoundly the             seeking as you parent your kids.
contours of your marriage.
It will most certainly change you. Be-
cause whether it is delightful or dif-
ficult, your marriage can become a
doorway to a closer walk with God,
and to a spiritual integrity that, like salt,
seasons the world around you with the
savor of Christ.
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