Page 9 - October 2017 Mag - Complete_USA
P. 9




I read a beautiful article by a wonderful preacher regarded        Nicodemus said “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher
by the Baptists, as the prince of preachers, Charles Haddon        come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do
Spurgeon and he spoke about the simplicity of preaching            unless God is with him.” Of course, Jesus answered, “You
The Word of God. If ever we needed to get back to basics,          have got to be born-again (make a clean start).”
it is in this day and age. It’s not Jesus plus, its Jesus only!
                                                                   We can no longer serve two masters. Matthew 12:30 says,
He says, “To try and win a soul to Christ by keeping that soul     “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not
in ignorance of any truth, is contrary to the mind of the spirit;  gather with Me scatters abroad.” If we are going to experi-
and to endeavor to save men by mere claptrap, or excite-           ence a change in our lives, then we need to make a new
ment, or preaching display, is as foolish as to hope to hold       start and people need to know that, like never before. There
an angel with a bird-lime, or lure a star with music.” We’ve       has got to be a difference in one’s life. You cannot say, “be-
got to get back to the old- old Gospel.                            cause my parents and grandparents were Christians than
                                                                   I automatically qualify too.” As the old saying goes “There
How often do we hear a message preached, for example               are no grandchildren in Heaven.” Each and every one of us
from John 3:3 (NKJV), “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless        has got to meet Jesus for Himself.
one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” or
verse 7, “You must be born again.” Was it not Nicodemus,           The change I am talking about, is what happened to Saul
the member of the Sanhedrin and one of the most power-             of Tarsus who was on his way to Damascus to persecute
ful man in Israel who came to our Lord Jesus Christ by night       and kill the Christians, only to be knocked off his horse and
and asked Him what he should do to inherit eternal life.           to be converted instantaneously, from being a murderer of
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