Page 8 - October 2017 Mag - Complete_USA
P. 8

One key to this is knowing that as believers in Christ, we are     For more on this topic, order Joyce’s four-teaching CD series
partners with God—we have a part and He has a part in              How to Release God’s Power in Your Life.You can also con-
everything He calls us to do. When we don’t do the part            tact us to receive our free magazine, Enjoying Everyday Life,
we can do and we try to do His part, that’s when we live           by calling (800) 727-9673 or visiting
stressed-out with worry, fear, anxiety, frustration, no peace
and no joy.                                                        Ladies, join Joyce Meyer for the 35th Annual Love Life Wom-
                                                                   en’s Conference September 21-23 in Saint Louis, MO. For
The reason this happens sometimes is because we think              more information, go to
God needs our help. We meditate on the problem—rolling
it over and over in our mind, worrying, trying to figure out       Joyce Meyer is a New York Times bestselling author and
how things should work out. It’s like we’re telling God, “I kind   founder of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. She has authored
of think You need my help, and I’m not sure You can take           more than 100 books, including Battlefield of the Mind and
care of this situation, Lord.”                                     20 Ways to Make Every Day Better (Hachette). She hosts the
                                                                   Enjoying Everyday Life radio and TV programs, which air on
We need to realize that worrying is useless! It’s like sitting in  hundreds of stations worldwide. For more information, visit
a rocking chair, rocking all day, wearing yourself out and
getting nowhere. Trusting God means we give up worrying,
reasoning, and anxiety and we enter into His rest with sim-        Please note: The views and opinions expressed throughout
ple childlike faith—we live by grace through faith!                this publication and/or website are those of the respective
                                                                   authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Joyce Meyer
Ephesians 2:8-9 is a great scripture that says we’re saved by      Ministries.
grace through faith. And we walk out our relationship with
God and His plans for our lives the same way we receive
salvation: by grace through faith.

This is possible because Jesus made the perfect sacrifice
for us when He gave His life, taking our guilt and condem-
nation and paying for our sins. Through a personal relation-
ship with Jesus, we access God’s grace so we can do what
He’s calling us to do.

It’s so amazing to know that God is always with us, giving
us His grace for everything we need to do in life. Trust God’s
unconditional love for you today. Do what you can do and
give Him everything else. And when you find yourself get-
ting frustrated or feeling overwhelmed, like you just can’t do
it anymore, remember to stop, get your focus back on Him
and enter into His rest once again.
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