Page 7 - October 2017 Mag - Complete_USA
P. 7
enjoying everyday life
God wants us to enjoy our everyday lives. John 10:10 says make every effort to enter that rest [of God, to know and
that Jesus died for us so we “may have and enjoy life, and experience it for ourselves]….”
have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]” (AMP). But
it seems so many people who say they believe in Jesus are Now the rest of God is not a rest from work—it’s a rest in
not really enjoying their lives. It’s tragic to think that Jesus work. It’s partnering with God to do what He is calling you
paid the price for our sins, that He suffered to make that to do by His grace, and leaving the part you can’t do in
sacrifice, and yet there are Christians who are struggling His hands, trusting Him to do it. Hebrews 4:3 says it this way:
just to get by and make it through each day. “For we who believe [that is, we who personally trust and
confidently rely on God] enter that rest….” So we start by
The key to having abundant life in Christ is living by God’s believing.
grace through faith. Because grace is His power working
in us that enables us to do whatever we need to do in life. When I’m trying to believe, I haven’t entered God’s rest. But
when I do believe, I have complete rest in Him. Living by
When we try to do everything in our own strength and leave faith is not a life of struggle—it’s rest. And you can enter into
God out of the equation, we just get worn-out and frustrat- God’s rest in every area of your life.
ed by our mistakes and failures. But when we lean on God,
we actually enter into His rest and can enjoy our lives, no I’ve discovered that the stress in my life is caused by the
matter what our circumstances may be. way I approach my circumstances and the attitude I have
toward them. It was a turning point for me when I realized
Hebrews 4:9-11 (AMP) says, “So there remains a [full and that the world will probably never change, but I can learn
complete] Sabbath rest for the people of God.For the one how to change the way I go about handling situations that
who has once entered His rest has also rested from [the are challenging.
weariness and pain of] his human labors…. Let us therefore