Page 14 - October 2017 Mag - Complete_USA
P. 14



From homeless to a multi-award winning artist, empower-             ever he prayed about it , the Lord reminded him that He
ment speaker and philanthropist.                                    is the one who gave him this talent!He asked the Lord for a
                                                                    sign, and after a while hewas invited to minister in song in
JuroLumba was once an occultistand alcoholic, but eve-              a very conservative Church and was surprised to see old
rything changed when he had a life-changing encounter               men and women (from 60 and up) praising God to rap,
with God. This encounter came after a season of being               almost with more energy than young people who were
homeless, which incidentally, was also the inspiration for          equally as shocked as he was.
songs such as God is in Control. In short, the ‘fast life’ was ex-
changed for ministry, feeding the homeless in Cape Town,            After the event, a kid came to him and told him that he
and giving away blankets to the poor.                               always wanted to be like 2Pac but after hearing him, he
                                                                    decided to use his talent for God and rap about things that
His love of music (hip-hop) became a vehicle to promote             edify people; after encouraging and praying for the kid a
the kingdom of God, and to minister to a generation often           group of elderly women approached him to tell him that
left on the sidelines in the Church. He noticed that some           they loved his music and that the Lord has placed a spe-
young people (and many adults) weren’t interested in at-            cial anointing upon him and that he will be mightily used
tending Church because they felt ‘left out’, misunderstood,         by God to reach lives around the world.
and seemingly forced to serve God according traditions
and people’s personal taste. Juro faced some opposition             A while later, the Grammy Award winning Artist Donnie Mc-
from those who did not welcome rap as a legitimate genre            Clurkin prayed for Juro during his African Tour; Donnie also
or medium of worship and outreach.                                  prophesied exactly the same things Ambassador J Loem-
                                                                    ba has been receiving through visions, as well as from other
In the midst of all this confusion and opposition, Ambassa-         ministers. Donnie McClurkin also inspired him to combine
dor J Loemba(his stage name) decided to stop performing             his preaching and music ministry in order to reach different
rap in order to solely focus on preaching; however, when-           groups of people in and outside of the Church.
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