Page 9 - MyFaith Mag February 2017 PRINT
P. 9

I remember as a young believer going through a horrific        thing was that couple of weeks after we had beautiful rain,
drought season, just like we have been experiencing. I         I asked the people to come together to the same town hall
drove around my maize crop every day, watching it as it        and give thanks to God for His goodness. Very disappoint-
started to shrivel up and I cried out to God. I felt Him im-   edly, not many people attended. But that happened to Je-
pressing upon me “Call a prayer meeting in the Greytown        sus when He healed ten lepers - only one came back to
town hall.” I was not even a man of the cloth (a minister),    say thank you.
but the Lord said unless you call that meeting the rain won’t
come. I want My people to be gathered together, in one         I pray that the Lord will give us strength to trust Him, to be-
neutral place to seek Me, to pray and to repent and I’ll send  lieve and to be obedient to His calling on our lives. James
the rain. (2 Chronicles 7:14)                                  5:16 (NKJV), “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous
                                                               man avails much.”
So I went to the Mayor and asked him for the town hall on
a Friday lunchtime, and he gave it to me. Then I went to
meet all the ministers, of course many of them were not very
happy with me, because I was just a farmer. But you see
I was the one that was losing my crop and not them. We
called the meeting, and as it always happens, the hall was
full with farmers, their wives, storekeepers and businessmen,
drought affects all people.

We came before the Lord from all different denominations,
different persuasions, different areas and groups, differ-
ent stations in life and we prayed sincerely. When we left,
the rain came down in its abundance. However, the sad

Angus Buchan presents Grassroots on FaithAfrica (DSTV341) weekdays at 13:00 and Saturdays at 07:00.
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