Page 14 - MyFaith Mag February 2017 PRINT
P. 14

enjoying everyday life


                           JOYCE MEYER

Can you think of a time when you had an ongoing issue        You’re probably familiar with Matthew 18:21-22 (AMPC).
with someone in your life? Then, just when you thought you   Peter asked Jesus how many times he had to forgive some-
couldn’t take another minute, God asked you to hang in       one who sinned against him. I’m sure he thought he was
there one more time and not give up?                         being generous when he said, “Up to seven times?” But Je-
                                                             sus answered Peter by saying, “Not up to seven times, but
Maybe you’ve thought, God, I have held my tongue and         seventy times seven.”
kept a good attitude with this person so many times, and
now You want me to play the peacemaker again? This is just   You see, God is asking us to be longsuffering with the peo-
too much to ask!                                             ple in our lives. He wants us to go the extra mile and stay
                                                             determined to do the right thing, even when other people
God calls each one of us to be an instrument of His peace.   do the wrong thing. And I have found that it’s almost impos-
Many times this means being the first to ask forgiveness or  sible to stay in conflict with someone if you refuse to argue!
sticking with someone who has tried our patience over and
over again. These situations are perfect opportunities God   Over the years, the Lord has used my marriage to teach
will use to build our character, because He can use oth-     me important lessons in this area. I can vividly remember
er people to be the “sandpaper” that smooths down the        one occasion when my husband, Dave, and I had been
rough edges in our personality.                              arguing, and afterward, the Lord spoke to my heart and
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