Page 12 - MyFaith Mag February 2017 PRINT
P. 12




Reflecting on the sacrifice of Jesus is always a humbling          But do not be forgetful of doing good and sharing, for God
process, and with it a great challenge in all areas of my          is well pleased with such sacrifices (Hebrews 13:15-16 LITV).
life. As a lead worshipper I am convinced that my call is
to get people into the presence of God through setting an          In light of the above definition of sacrifice, the well known
example of living a life that is praise-filled and God-centred.    scripture in the letter to the Hebrews speaks about our life
Thinking about Jesus on the Cross, and thinking on the price       as an expression of love toward God the Father. The fact
it cost is a process that brings my calling in a sharp focus       that God is pleased when we act according to His nature is
and gives direction to the choices I make in life.                 confirmed by the writer.

I would like us to briefly consider the fact that we are called    We misconstrue this reference to mean that our praise of
to share in the life of Christ, and that sharing includes eve-     God is something difficult for us to offer, or that it implies
rything from good days through to suffering. Jesus warned          a burden on our side to offer God our praise. On the con-
us that if the world was going to reject Him, so too would we      trary! Our sacrifice is the expression of our love to the Father
be rejected if we chose to carry our own cross for His sake.       through our praise. To help us in this is our constant, faithful
Peter reminds us that Jesus left us an example that we are         Companion, the Holy Spirit. Look at what the prophet Isaiah
to follow Him in all his suffering. The beauty of accepting        has to say about the fruit of our lips: I create the fruit of the
this call to suffering is the fact that God’s wisdom is foolish-   lips: peace, peace, to the ones far off and near, says Jeho-
ness to the world! Hence we are to rejoice in the suffering        vah, and I will heal him (Isaiah 57:19). This is awesome!
because it speaks of a greater hope and ultimately, ad-
dresses the issue of our faith; after all, faith is the substance  The Spirit of God gives the language of love to us so that we
of things hoped for!                                               are able to commune with God through Jesus Christ! Peter
                                                                   writes that God has chosen us as His own, and that the Holy
In worldly terms the word “sacrifice” conjures up pain, hav-       Spirit has sanctified us, so that we are able to be obedient
ing to go without, denial and at best a price that is not eas-     to Jesus Christ. Jesus says that we will be known as His fol-
ily afforded. In the language of faith, the word sacrifice         lowers, as people who choose to live His example, by the
is an honour and carries with it the hope and promise of           fact that we speak a common language – the language
blessing uncontained. The language of God, which is the            of love.
language of love, defines the word sacrifice as the ultimate
expression of love. Now, if sacrifice is the ultimate expression   So our sacrifice is indeed a celebration of love. The Divine
of love, the phrase “a sacrifice of praise” takes on a whole       sacrifice of Jesus on the cross is the ultimate and final ex-
new meaning for those who follow after the example of Je-          pression of God’s love for a world that has forgotten Him. Let
sus Christ!                                                        you and I go out and live our lives in honour of Jesus Christ,
                                                                   making our daily purpose a sacrifice of praise.
Then through Him let us offer up a sacrifice of praise to God
always, that is, the fruit of the lips, confessing to His name.
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