Page 8 - MyFaith Mag February 2017 PRINT
P. 8



                            ANGUS BUCHAN

As an evangelist, I will not attend a meeting that has not   There is definitely a place for solitary prayer, but when the
been soaked in corporate intercession and prayer. First,     Lord gives a directive like we find in Joel 2:15-17 (NKJV),
over many years of preaching, I realize that without prayer  “Blow the trumpet in Zion, Consecrate a fast, Call a sacred
nothing happens.                                             assembly; 16 Gather the people, Sanctify the congrega-
                                                             tion, Assemble the elders, Gather the children and nursing
People often ask me what can they do for me, before the      babes; Let the bridegroom go out from his chamber, And
buildup of a big Stadium event? My first and most urgent     the bride from her dressing room. 17 Let the priests, who
request is “We need prayer, please.” Without prayer, I am    minister to the Lord, Weep between the porch and the altar;
wasting my time, there is no point in even going. The ceil-  Let them say, “Spare Your people, O Lord, And do not give
ing becomes like brass and there is absolutely no response   Your heritage to reproach,.”
whatsoever, but when people pray together then God
commands a great blessing. (Psalm 133)                       The Lord says that once we have done that then according
                                                             to Joel 2:18-19 He will, “…be zealous for His land, and pity
The Lord had called us to hold a ‘Sacred Assembly’ at the    His people. 19 The Lord will answer and say to His people,
biggest stadium in Sub-Saharan Africa and issue 100,000      “Behold, I will send you grain and new wine and oil, and
free tickets. Some people spoke to me about having their     you will be satisfied by them; I will no longer make you a
own prayer meetings in their respective churches all over    reproach among the nations.”
the country and I was quite disappointed in them even ask-
ing me if it would be okay. You see, the whole point of a    We need to continue to come together as a people. We
‘Sacred Assembly’ is to call God’s people together, in one   need to pray for our beloved country, South Africa. God
place and He will then command blessings. (Praying to-       has promised us that He will hear our prayers and He will
gether)                                                      answer them.
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