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Psalm 20:7 (NKJV), “Some trust in                 took on a professional soldier. Goliath had a      in his own personal power. So what actually
chariots, and some in horses; But we              reputation right through the country and was       happened was he took a headcount to try and
will remember the name of the Lord                undefeated. He was of giant proportions and        work out how powerful he was on his own
our God.”                                         this young boy who put his trust and his faith in  without God, and that infuriated God.
                                                  God, literally destroyed this Philistine.
Psalm 20:7 is a very clear Word on how we are                                                        We need to finish the way we started. We need
supposed to be living in these last days. People  We see so sadly that towards the end of his        to finish in the spirit. If we look at the Word of
are stressing all over the world. We are seeing   life, he had become the king of Israel and the     God in Galatians 3:3 (NKJV) the Bible is very
the biggest refugee crisis since the Second       most famous king that Israel has ever had          specific, “Are you so foolish? Having begun in
World War. We are seeing diseases surfacing       (apart from the Lord Jesus Christ). He was the     the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by
that have never been seen before. We are          most powerful king who had the greatest army       the flesh?” We need in the last days to exercise
experiencing natural disasters such as tsuna-     and the greatest influence in the Middle East.     our faith and to trust God like never before. If
mis, earthquakes, droughts and floods like we     He decided to put his trust in man and not in      we are going to finish strong we need to finish
haven’t seen before. People are desperately       God, after God had blessed him so richly. We       off the way, we started. That is trusting our
running to and fro. They do not know what to      see in 1 Chronicles 21:1 that King David took a    Lord Holy Spirit to guide us, to protect us and
do. Governments are collapsing, because of        Census (a headcount). He wanted to see how         to be a friend to us who sticks closer than any
corruption and of leaders that are always trying  many fighting men he had in Israel. As a new       brother.
to make a plan, and of course it never works.     believer I could never understand why God got
You and I need to put our whole trust in the      so angry with David, because he took a census.     May God bless you as you wait for His soon
Lord Jesus Christ.                                                                                   coming. Remember the Bible is so clear in
                                                  God got so angry with David that 70,000 men        Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV), “But without faith it is
David killed Goliath, because he trusted in       in Israel died of a plague and that was the        impossible to please Him, for he who comes
the Lord. It was so ridiculous that this young    punishment. The reason being was that David        to God must believe that He is, and that He is a
boy, who was probably only about thirteen         started off as a shepherd boy trusting God         rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”
years old and could not even wear King Saul’s     for everything, but when he grew older he
armour, because it was too heavy for him,         started to put his trust in his possessions and               

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