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Can you


  trust God?

                                                                             BY JOYCE MEYER

Psalm 37:1-3 is a great promise for us in God’s Word. It says, “Do not       We need to realize that we really are not smart enough to deal with the
      fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do       problems we face on our own. And when we don’t trust God, we end up
      wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants     trying to make something happen that only He can do, which just makes
they will soon die away. Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land    us frustrated.
and enjoy safe pasture” (NIV).
                                                                             I’ve discovered that no matter how badly I want something, I need to
These verses reassure us that we don’t need to be worried about every-       pray, “God, if what I want is not what You want for me, then please don’t
thing wrong that’s happening in the world, because God is still in control.  give it to me. I want to do Your will in this situation, and I’m trusting You
And He’s going to take care of us as long as we trust Him and do good.       to give me what You want for me.”

But we all have times when we wonder, “Is God really going to come           This is especially important in situations where we don’t understand why
through for me? Can I really trust Him…or do I need to have a backup         things are happening the way they are. I remember when God told me
plan? If God doesn’t come through quickly enough, how long am I will-        to quit my job so I could stay home and study the Word more. This was
ing or prepared to wait for Him to act?”                                     the season when He was preparing me for full-time ministry.

The truth is, whether or not you can trust God depends on whether            It was so hard because without me working, we were $40 short of what
you’re trying to get Him to give you what YOU want, or what HE wants.        we needed each month just to pay our bills. I would go to garage sales
In other words, are you trusting Him to do His perfect will for you, in His  to buy clothes for my kids, and we kept giving and tithing as God spoke
perfect timing and in His way?                                               to our hearts to do it. For six years we had to have a miracle every month
                                                                             in our finances, and it didn’t make any sense to me at all why it was tak-
It’s good for us to tell God what we want and to ask Him for help when       ing so long for us to get a breakthrough in our situation.
we need it. But sometimes we think we know what is right for us, or we
want something so badly we feel we just have to have it; so instead of       But I understand now that God was teaching me how to trust Him for
trusting God to do what is best, we tell Him what He needs to do.            every little thing I needed every day. Everything I went through with God

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