Page 7 - MyFaith Mag JULY 2016 Web 001
P. 7

And when you go to bed at night, let there be peace and joy in knowing you are sleeping in
the very presence of Almighty God, and are being refreshed and restored by His mighty
power that is at work, within you! Being constantly aware of His presence inside of us,

         keeps our faith alive and causes us to live in the reality of what God’s
                         word says we are - alive in Christ!

Every born again believer has within them a mar-        2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is        The more we meditate on the truth that God
vellous treasure chamber that has been intricately      in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have         lives on the inside of us, we become constantly
fashioned by God’s own hands. It is magnificently       passed away; behold, all things have become              aware of His presence and power that is readily
glorious and built to last for eternity. This treasure  new.”                                                    available to us, by faith. Every morning, rise up
chamber holds within it an immeasurable supply                                                                   knowing that the God of the universe is giving
of spiritual riches and wealth that can never be        Throughout the New Testament we are taught               you life and peace and victory for this day, from
exhausted or completely discovered! 2 Corinthi-         that believers who have surrendered their lives to       within you, not from a distance! Throughout the
ans 4:7, says “But we have this treasure in earthen     the Lordship of Jesus Christ, are ‘in the Lord’, or ‘in  day, remind yourself that you are not alone, but
vessels, that the excellency of the power may be        Christ’. This speaks of our position in Christ, since    the all-powerful, mighty Spirit of God, is alive
of God, and not of us.”                                 His Spirit has in-dwelt ours. With the Holy Spirit       inside you, ready and willing to meet your every
                                                        living inside of us, we have an endless supply of        need, and supply all the wisdom and power you
This verse clearly explains that this treasure is not   His power and strength to draw from for victory          need to overcome. And when you go to bed at
something we are trying to obtain; it is something      in every circumstance or challenge. Ephesians            night, let there be peace and joy in knowing you
we already possess!                                     6:10, says, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the      are sleeping in the very presence of Almighty
                                                        Lord and in the power of His might.” The phrase          God, and are being refreshed and restored by His
In fact, the first thing Paul does in this verse is     ‘in the Lord’ is a Greek phrase that means that this     mighty power that is at work, within you! Being
tell us where this treasure is buried. Notice that      special infusion of dynamic, supernatural power          constantly aware of His presence inside of us,
Paul says, “But we have….” The words “we have”          can be found in only one place, in the Lord. In          keeps our faith alive and causes us to live in the
in Greek is echomen, which is taken from the            truth, this power is locked up in the Person of          reality of what God’s word says we are - alive in
Greek word echo. The word echo means to have,           Jesus Christ and it can’t be found anywhere else.        Christ! Become more aware of the God that lives
to hold, to possess, or to keep. It is the picture of                                                            inside of you, than the trouble that lurks around
someone who “has” something in his possession           Paul is saying we have actually been placed              you - your life and victory is secure in Christ Jesus,
because it belongs to him. It is rightfully his, and    inside Jesus Christ; He has become our realm of          Who dwells in you!
he has the right to keep it. (Sparkling Gems)           existence and the place of our habitation. We are
                                                        infinitely locked up inside the person of Christ!        ANDRÉ AND JENNY ROEBERT are the pastors and
So, this scripture gives the idea that, “We possess     You permanently reside inside the Son of God! He         co-founders of River Ministries situated in East London,
treasure within ourselves! And not only do we           is your permanent home —a home from which                South Africa, incorporating various ministries, each
possess treasure, but our easily broken, inferior,      you will never move because you are locked up            geared to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the
temporary bodies are themselves the treasure            and securely placed inside Him perpetually!              nations of this world.
chambers where this astonishing cache is kept.”                                                                  For more info visit:
                                                        This now leads us to the reason why the super-
And this magnificent treasure is God’s powerful         natural power of God we desperately need, is
gift of the Holy Spirit Himself, dwelling inside of     so easy to receive! The reason God’s power is so
us!                                                     accessible to us, is that both we and this divine
                                                        power are gloriously locked up inside the same
1 Corinthians 6:17 says, “But the person who is         place! The power is located inside the Lord, and
united to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him.”        we are also located inside the Lord. We must
At the point of our salvation, the Spirit of God        open our hearts to it and ask God to release it
comes into our spirits that were dead to sin, and       into our lives. Then, by faith we must reach out to
recreates them to be new and alive in Christ Jesus!     embrace it.

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