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       From the

               Well, it is official! We have started the countdown to summer and the end of the year. Winter solstice
               is past and the days are gradually getting “longer” and the nights “shorter”. Strange to think that while
               sunlight hours may increase time does not… or perhaps that isn’t so strange at all? Whichever way we
               look at it, this phenomenon does give us time to reflect on how we manage time, even if it is in the
               middle of the year! Usually we leave this kind of introspection, evaluation and meditation for “New
               Year’s Resolutions”, but it may just be a good time to revisit those time-management resolutions we all
               made. Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules concerning this, so each one of us must simply
               make time work to our advantage!

               Of the 24 hours we have in a day, most of us spend 8 of those recharging the body’s batteries and
               refreshing the mind for a new creative attack once we wake up. Working city-dwellers will spend a
               further 2-3 hours on the road, getting to work and back; so, let’s round it off at 2. Of the 14 hours left to
               us, work will take up around 8… more for those workaholics among us! So we have 6 hours on average
               to ourselves, divided between God, family, friends and our own pursuits. Paul encourages us to “buy out
               the time”, meaning that we should take careful note of how we use that time. Workaholics will have less
               time with family, and more time given away to “the job”. It has been said that no man on his deathbed
               will say, “I wish I had spent more time at work!” If we simply tithe our time to God, He will get 2 hours
               40 minutes to impact and impart spiritual truth and revelation; given we are a spirit it somehow seems
               lop-sided? In whichever way you work out that time schedule of yours, let God assist you to get the
               very best management in place. After all, He has a good plan for your life (time) and its intention is to
               make you prosper in areas of health, relationships, emotionally, spiritually and also materially.

               The Kingdom of God is focused on spiritual matters, and if we will seek that Kingdom first, all the rest of
               life (time) will fall into place! Be encouraged! Time was invented by God!

                                          Publishers: River Media   Waldo Malan | Editor
                         Address: P/Bag X9027 | East London
                    5200 | South Africa | +27 (0)43 711 4800
                                                                    Melanie Flanegan | Sub-Editor
                                      Printers: River Rock Media
                                                                    Jayson Duncan | Graphic Designer
                                                +27 (0)43 711 4808
                                                                    Johandre Janse van Rensburg | Graphic Designer
                                                                    Rudi Le Roux | Graphic Designer

                      No staff member or direct family or an        Anadore Kenny | Online Publishing
                       advertiser and their direct family may
                                   participate in any of My Faith
                       magazine competitions or giveaways.          Pat Kruger | Advertising
                The views expressed in articles, letters and
                         pictures are the responsibility of the

                 respective authors and are not necessarily
                             those of My Faith magazine - the

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