Page 14 - MyFaith Mag JULY 2016 Web 001
P. 14




                                                                                                      BY KEVIN DAVIS

We are living in a day and age where we are        one of you who is without sin be the first to      the act of adultery, the Pharisees wanted to
witnessing a sharp moral decline. What was         throw a stone at her” ( John 8:7 NIV). Their       stone her, as being stoned to death was the
morally unthinkable only a few years ago,          argument is that we should not judge –for          penalty for committing adultery. Although
is today not only accepted, but celebrated.        only God can judge – as there exists no man        the Pharisees spoke the truth (even quoting
When Christians oppose or simply question          or woman whom is “without sin”. Whilst this        Scripture to Jesus), they were not speaking the
new laws being introduced by government,           is an argument with at least some merit, it        truth in love. As a result, Jesus not only shows
they are called “bigots” or “haters” or accused    unfortunately lacks one important component        her mercy, but shows her love. Many people
of “not keeping up with the times”. Even within    of basic Christian doctrine - the fact that God    point to this fact and say that this proves that
the Christian community, there is a group          loves the sinner (person), but hates the sin.      because of Jesus’ grace, there are no real con-
that says that we are instructed in the Bible                                                         sequences for sin (as He simply released the
not to judge, but to love and accept – just like   While I do not expect non-believers to believe     woman, although she was caught committing
Jesus did, whilst another group says that these    or even understand this important concept          an act that warrants the death penalty accord-
are merely “signs of the times” and that the       (doctrine), it saddens me that there are many      ing to the law of Moses).
“prophecies” made in the Bible concerning          Christians who cannot seem to understand
what will happen in the last days are being        that it is possible to “speak the truth in love”,  Yet some forget Jesus’ last words to her, when
fulfilled and as a result, there is nothing any-   something we are admonished to do in Ephe-         He instructed her to “go and sin no more”
one can do about it. Are we supposed to be         sians 4:15. But why is it important to speak       ( John 8:11 NIV). In this particular case, Jesus
passive and simply accept things as they are,      the truth? Simply put, it is the truth and only    did not put her on trial, for they both knew
or should we act? In a time where the world is     God’s absolute truth that can set us absolutely    what she had done and I am of the opinion
asking questions, I still believe that the Church  free. It is only when we hear the truth, receive   that she left the scene that day, convicted of
(under the guidance of the Holy Spirit) has the    the truth and act upon this truth that we are      sin, but captured by love and acceptance. That
answers.                                           set free ( John 8:32). As the saying goes: you     day, she was not only shown mercy, love and
                                                   can work in a soap factory and still stink – you   acceptance, she was forgiven and set free,
Over the past twelve months, I have read           have to apply it. While many believe that          but then instructed to “go and sin no more”,
numerous articles written by popular Christian     the truth judges, condemns and shames, the         proving that it is indeed possible to love the
authors who suggest that if Jesus was walking      truth (spoken in love), in fact sets us free from  person, but not condone the act or lifestyle.
on the earth today, He would be found              shame, guilt and condemnation.                     The instruction to “go and sin no more” should
amongst the sinners – in bars, clubs and                                                              always produce a desire for holiness – even
casinos – quoting that when Jesus did walk         While it may not be pleasant to always hear        for us today.
amongst us, he was referred to as a “glutton       the truth, the Bible promises that “we will
and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and     grow” as a result thereof (Ephesians 4:15).        In 1 Peter 1:14-16 (NIV), we read: “As obedient
sinners” (Matthew 11:19; Luke 7:34 NIV). They      What we need to understand is that people          children, do not conform to the evil desires
also refer to the situation involving a woman      are more offended by the delivery of a mes-        you had when you lived in ignorance. But just
who was caught in the act of adultery; the         sage than the message itself and this is why       as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all
Pharisees wanted to stone her, but when they       we always need to speak the truth (message)        you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am
asked Jesus whether or not she deserved the        in love (the proper delivery-method).              holy.” Because God gave us His Truth, we no
death penalty, He replied by saying: “Let any      In light of the woman who was caught in            longer have any excuse to “live in ignorance”,

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