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SHBORUWECATCKOE-BOSEUSAT                                     OK – I’m actually going to be serious here. No jokes about bad
                                                             hair, polyester suits, gold furniture, or prayer cloths. In an ocean of
ON RELIGIOUS                                                 competition on a typical religious channel, how do you cut through
                                                             the clutter and get the audience’s attention? Better yet, how do you
TELEVISION                                                   get them to respond? I don’t have all the answers, and I’d love for
                                              BY PHIL COOKE  you to respond, but here’s my two cents. And by the way, let’s take it
                                                             for granted that you have an actual spiritual call to do this, so don’t
18 | JULY 2016                                               get mad that my list isn’t more spiritual. I’m making the assumption
                                                             that if you’re not spiritually mature enough and called to do this, you
                                                             shouldn’t even be reading this list.

                                                             1. The Message Matters
                                                             The truth is, 90% of TV preachers are teaching a message few even
                                                             care about. You’re either answering questions no one is asking, or
                                                             you’re not scratching where the culture itches. You may not like Joel
                                                             Osteen, but his message of hope and encouragement touches a
                                                             chord in millions of people. Likewise, Joyce Meyer’s message of how
                                                             God works in practical, everyday ways connects with just as many.
                                                             It’s not about tickling their ears, it’s about connecting – sharing a mes-
                                                             sage that strikes a chord and resonates with people. In their day, Billy
                                                             Graham had it, Oral Roberts had it, Bishop Fulton Sheen had it, and
                                                             others had it. The traditional media world is about what they think
                                                             the audience wants to watch. The new media world is about what
                                                             the audience wants. Learn something from that. It doesn’t mean you
                                                             pander, it means you listen.

                                                             2. What Makes You Different?
                                                             In the world of branding, one of our key questions is “What makes
                                                             you different?” Once again, 90% of preachers do very little that makes
                                                             them distinctive, and in a media-driven culture, people need that
                                                             help. In a world with thousands of choices, it’s the different choices
                                                             that stand out. Be the nail that sticks out of the porch. Be the blade
                                                             of grass that stands above the others. Be different. That permeates
                                                             everything you do – look different, have a different message, present
                                                             it differently, think differently, create a different program, and more.

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