Page 21 - August 2017 Mag - Complete
P. 21

DISCOVER YOUR DESTINY                                                 THE SATISFIED SOUL
                               - TONY EVANS                                                          - JOHN PIPER
                                  God has ordained a custom-                                            If you want to understand more
                                  designed life for you that leads                                      clearly the awesome majesty of
                                  to the expansion of His kingdom.                                      God, this collection of one hun-
                                                                                                        dred twenty classic devotional
                                  Until you know the reason you                                         readings by beloved pastor and
                                  were uniquely created, you will                                       author John Piper will reveal a
                                  feel empty and frustrated. But un-                                    deeper understanding of God
                                  derstanding and living out your                                       and how to enjoy His involve-
                                  personal assignment from God                                          ment in every facet of life.
                                  brings deep satisfaction, God’s                                       Whether already intimately ac-
                                  highest glory, and the most ben-                                      quainted with Scripture or just
                                  efit to those around you.                                             beginning to experience the Bi-
                                                                                                        ble’s rich truths, readers will find
Embark on a journey with Dr. Tony Evans to discover your              their faith stirred and strengthened on a variety of topics, in-
individual calling! Along the way you’ll see...                       cluding traditional themes like anger, Satan, prayer, grace,
                                                                      worship, prayer, and heaven, as well as topics in the daily
• Why it’s so important to seek out your God-given purpose            news like terrorism, media, racism, loving Muslims, marriage
                                                                      challenges, mental health, politics and voting, and much
• What it takes to walk successfully on the path God has              more.
   for you

• How your life should look when you’re embracing your                                               INSPIRE®: PROVERBS
  destiny                                                                                               The book of Proverbs is a treas-
                                                                                                        ure trove of wise sayings and
Let God fill your days with passion and hope as you step                                                profound advice on living a
into the role your Creator designed just for you                                                        righteous and God-pleasing life.
                                                                                                        Inspire®: Proverbs includes all of
                               THE PERFECT YOU                                                          the cherished features from the
                               - DR CAROLINE LEAF                                                       original Inspire® Bible, displayed
                                  There are a lot of personality and                                    beautifully in a coloring book
                                  intelligence tests out there de-                                      edition of the book of Proverbs.
                                  signed to label you and put you                                       This exquisite edition contains
                                  in a particular box. But Dr. Caro-  God’s inspired Word displayed in a way that inspires Scrip-
                                  line Leaf says there’s much more    ture meditation and reflection. Inspire®: Proverbs features
                                  to you than a personality profile   the complete book of Proverbs combined with key verses
                                  can capture. In fact, you cannot    to color in. There are over 50 Scripture line-art illustrations
                                  be categorized!                     to color and plenty of extra space for creative journal-
                                                                      ing. Thick, high-quality coloring book paper limits bleed-
                                                                      through and allows for the use of even more markers and
                                                                      techniques for coloring and creative journaling.

                                  In this fascinating book, she       Perfect for people wanting to connect with the book of
                                  takes readers through seven         Proverbs through art, Inspire®: Proverbs extends a beautiful
                                  steps to rediscover and unlock      invitation to slow down and soak in God’s Word while color-
                                  their unique “you quotient”--the    ing or journaling. Experience the wisdom found in the book
brilliantly original way each person thinks, feels, relates,          of Proverbs.
and makes choices--freeing them from comparison, envy,
and jealousy, which destroy brain tissue. Readers learn to            KEY SELLING POINTS:
be aware of what’s going on in their own minds and bod-
ies, to lean in to their own experience rather than trying to         • Features the complete book of Proverbs in the popular
forcefully change it, and to redefine what success means                 New Living Translation (NLT).
to them. Released from the suffocating box of expectations,
they’ll embrace their true identity and develop a clear               • Over 50 Scripture line-art illustrations in wide margins and
sense of divine purpose in their lives.                                  full pages to color in.

Knowing and understanding our identity empowers our                   • 80 designed verses within the Bible text with words to
choices. Unlocking one’s you quotient is not optional--it is             color.
                                                                      • Two-and-a-half-inch-wide ruled margins for notes, prayers
                                                                         and creative expression.

                                                                      • Ample space for creative journaling.
                                                                      • Thick, high-quality coloring book paper that limits bleed-

                                                                      • Large 11-point font size.
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