Page 16 - August 2017 Mag - Complete
P. 16
FUN In A Giant Adventure Superbook
Children’s minds are al- takes our heroes on the frontline
ways racing and ready of battle when David meets the
for a game or chal- giant Goliath. CBN’s Superbook
lenge. Why not use that team is made up of Emmy-win-
to teach them about ning artists and storytellers, whose
the Bible in a fun, edu- credits include Mulan, The Lion
cational and exciting King, and Beauty and the Beast.
way? Bible Story Activ-
ity Fun is packed with Together they are collaborating to
more than 30 exciting completely reimagine the classic
and age-appropriate Superbook series using the latest
activities such as maz- 3D CGI technology. The new Superbook honors the life-
es, word searches, con- changing legacy of the classic series and introduces the
nect the dots, and pic- stories of the Bible to a new generation.
ture puzzles, to teach
kids more about the Bible in an enjoyable and informa- HE IS RISEN! (DVD)
tive way. The fun activities are based on well-known Join Chris, Joy and Gizmo on an
stories from the Old and New Testaments, and will keep unforgettable journey as Super-
even the most inquisitive minds interested and entertained book takes them—along with
for hours! Bible Story Activity Fun is ideal for children to work Chris’ mother, Phoebe—to Jeru-
on alone or with an adult. salem, where they meet another
mother and Son. Witness the
KEY SELLING POINTS: obedience and suffering that
led Jesus to Calvary, and the
• More than 30 fun activities are based on well-known sto mighty power of God the Father
ries from the Old and New Testaments. who raised Him from the dead!
Gather your family as our heroes
• Educational activities include coloring, mazes, word learn what love and sacrifice truly
searches, picture puzzles and more. mean in Superbook: He Is Risen! This DVD also includes a
bonus Classic Superbook episode.
• Black and white insides so children can color their
activities as well as the coloring pages to their heart’s IN THE BIGINNING (DVD)
content. Join the adventure as Superbook
takes Chris, Joy, and Gizmo to wit-
• Printed on quality white paper. ness Lucifer’s rebellion and fall
from heaven. Then explore the
• Also available in Afrikaans. beauty of God’s creation in the
Garden of Eden---and discover
ISBN: 978-1-4321-1887-7 how Adam and Eve bring sin into
Price: R 19.95 the world through disobedience.
Release date: April 2107 Gather your family and get ready
Category: Children for an exciting journey as our he-
Target market: Ages 5 - 8 roes learn that God is loving and
Trim size: 210 x 297mm forgiving, and He has a wonder-
Pages: 32 ful plan for the future! Spanish audio & closed captions in-
Binding: Softcover cluded!
Superbook---now reimagined for In “Jacob and Esau” Superbook
a new generation! When young intercedes and whisks the kids
Chris remarks to his family that back to the days of Jacob and
their nativity scene is just anoth- Esau to witness forgiveness.
er decoration---like reindeer or
Santa’s elves---he, Joy, and their
robot, Gizmo, are swept away to
Bethlehem to discover the true
meaning of Christmas! Your kids
will see the holiday with new
eyes with this time-traveling ad-