Page 19 - August 2017 Mag - Complete
P. 19

LET MY PEOPLE GO (DVD)                                               ROAR!
                                Join the excitement as Superbook                                     In Roar!, Superbook takes the kids
                                takes Chris, Joy and Gizmo to                                        off to an adventure where they
                                meet Moses—a Prince who runs                                         meet Daniel and King Darius in
                                away to become a shepherd.                                           the land of Babylon.
                                Discover how God calls him to
                                challenge Pharaoh and lead the                                       CBN’s Superbook team is made
                                Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.                                  up of Emmy-winning artists and
                                Witness the miracles, the plagues,                                   storytellers, whose credits include
                                and the parting of the Red Sea!                                      Mulan, The Lion King, and Beauty
                                Gather your family and get ready                                     and the Beast. Together they are
                                for an unforgettable journey as                                      collaborating to completely reim-
                                our heroes learn that when God                                       agine the classic Superbook se-
is with us, all things are possible! This DVD also includes a        ries using the latest 3D CGI technology. The new Superbook
bonus Classic Superbook episode.                                     honors the life-changing legacy of the classic series and
                                                                     introduces the stories of the Bible to a new generation.

MIRACLES OF JESUS (DVD)                                              THE LAST SUPPER (DVD)
Get ready for a thrilling adven-                                     In “The Last Supper” Superbook
ture as Superbook takes Chris, Joy                                   whisks the kids off to Jerusalem
and Gizmo to ancient Israel. Wit-                                    and Chris learns from Jesus that
ness how Jesus heals a paralyzed                                     even though Jesus is famous, he
person, calms a storm, and sets a                                    was humble and served others.
man free from evil spirits. Discover
how even the greatest enemy is
no match for God’s power! Gath-
er your family for an exciting jour-
ney as our heroes learn that true
miracles only come from God!
This DVD also includes a bonus
Classic Superbook episode.

REVELATION: THE FINAL                                                THE TEN
BATTLE (DVD)                                                         COMMANDMENTS (DVD)
In “Revelation!” Superbook takes                                     In “The Ten Commandments” Su-
our heroes to witness the end of                                     perbook takes our three heroes
days and through this experience,                                    on a trip back in time to learn that
he discovers the greatness of                                        rules are in place to protect you.
God’s forgiveness and restoration.

THE ROAD TO DAMASCUS (DVD)                                           THE TEST (DVD)
In “The Road to Damascus” Su-                                        In “The Test!” Superbook takes our
perbook takes our heroes on a                                        heroes on a journey through Abra-
journey where they encounter                                         ham’s obedience to God where
the sinister Saul of Tarsus. Through                                 they learn to put God first, above
experiencing Saul’s dramatic life                                    all else.
change, the kids return home with
a renewed hope that amazing
change is always possible with
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