Page 8 - MyFaith Mag March 2017 flipbuilder
P. 8
cover feature
Brian & Jenn Johnson are co-founders of Dove Award win- You’re still running after us…” This theme marks the project
ning Bethel Music, WorshipU, and have been integral in the as a whole: a reflective look back on God’s faithfulness,
production of more than 15 albums that have influenced and a hopeful looking ahead.
the culture of worship across the global church.
Each song reflects the seasoned journey of its writers and
More than 10 years since their last solo release, The John- carries a message that the unseen history we build with
son’s debuted their highly anticipated studio album After God is the greatest treasure that sustains our lives person-
All These Years at the end of January 2017, capturing the ally, and from generation to generation. This 10 track album
wonder, conviction, and tenderness of heart behind the hit No. 1 on the iTunes Christian Albums chart. It has been
story of who they’ve become and who they’ve remained applauded as “beautiful offerings of worship” and “sure to
over the past season. be one of the top worship albums of the year.”
In addition to writing and recording songs for Bethel Music’s Stylistically, the album takes a distinct turn from anything
compilations, their previous solo releases include live-wor- Bethel Music has previously recorded; lush arrangements
ship albums Undone (2001) and We Believe (2006). recorded by an 80-piece symphony orchestra are the hall-
The album is filled with new music penned by Brian and mark of each track. In lyric and instrumentation, the project
Jenn, along with never-before-heard worship songs that evokes a feeling of timelessness and unfettered hope.
have been years in the making. “We wrote this album be-
cause of seasons that God has proved His faithfulness in,” Brian & Jenn are committed to raising healthy family, cul-
share the Johnsons. “This project is the overflow and expres- tivating community, and fostering unity among worship
sion of that. We hope it inspires you to go after all that God leaders from around the world. Together they are passion-
is asking you to do. We’ve watched our parents and grand- ate about raising up worshippers who take hold of their
parents do this, and they have handed down a model that true identity and pursue intimacy with God above all else.
has influenced how we live and how we are dreaming into Brian and Jenn reside in Redding, California, with their three
the future. Community, family, and carrying His name - that wonderful children. They are committed to raising healthy
is the kingdom - and that is for every believer.” family, cultivating community, and fostering unity among
worship leaders from around the world.
From its start, the album’s title track sweeps listeners across a
moving orchestral landscape paired with honest lyrics sung After All These years is available from CUM Books , Musica and
by Brian, “It amazes me after all You’ve done, it amazes me, other leading music retailers. Shop online at