Page 7 - MyFaith Mag March 2017 flipbuilder
P. 7

How do we attain it? Well, since the circumstances of life are constantly changing, we
can certainly agree that they cannot be recognised as our source of a good, peaceful
life. After all, we all know that physical things and riches, while bringing temporary hap-
piness, can never fulfil or completely satisfy the human soul. After all, the news feeds we
read are full of stories of the rich and famous, who seemingly have all the things their
hearts desire; ending their lives because of their desperate unhappiness. So since the
source of true happiness goes deeper than what is on the surface, perhaps it’s worth
digging a little deeper to discover its mysteries. For example, complete surrender was
Paul’s key to a fulfilled life.

In my own searching, I have come to understand that to resolve our inner struggles
and complete our quest for true happiness in life, as children of God, there must be a
clear and accurate perspective of who we are in Christ Jesus. In the New Testament,
the Apostle Paul confessed to have found the key to true fulfilment and the ultimate
purpose of life. He believed it had everything to do with intimately knowing the person
of Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection (Philippians 3:10). He often linked this
theory with the importance of dying to his own selfish nature, and absolutely surrender-
ing his personal independence to God. He spoke about abandoning the idea of self-
preservation and instead, leaning and relying entirely on the trustworthy nature of God.
Paul referred to a kind of life that is fully enveloped and given over to the complete love
of God, and absolute devotion to Him. He spoke of our very identity being in Christ
alone, and not in anything of ourselves. To me, that seems to mean a total yielding and
deliberate turning away from self; and completely conforming to God’s nature and
character. I have to say, at first thought, this seems to kick against the core of who we
are as individuals. What about that internal struggle for self-preservation and identity?
Isn’t that what has kept the human race in existence? Isn’t that what causes those who
are oppressed, to rise up and take dominion, instead of being dominated over?

Well, I have certainly given this much thought, and have consequently found, that
when we, as individuals, really know the Lord, we see this concept of complete sur-
render, from a very different perspective. The more time we spend getting to know
the Lord, in His Word and prayer; we begin to experience and enjoy His overwhelming,
unconditional and absolute love for us. This love, is the game changer. It makes all the
difference in how we perceive ourselves and our God. If we don’t ‘get’ the love factor,
we will always have a missing link when it comes to our walk of faith. Personally know-
ing and experiencing God’s love for us is what fuels and sustains our beliefs. It crosses
the bridge between a mechanical and clinical religion to a spontaneous and most
satisfying relationship with God.

Like the Apostle Paul, I do believe the missing link to understanding the true meaning
of absolute surrender to the person, nature and will of God, is LOVE itself. Love is what
answers the question, why we should surrender all and completely sacrifice our own
self-preservation, to become one with our Creator.

                                          ANDRÉ AND JENNY ROEBERT are the senior pastors and
                                          co-founders of River Ministries situated in East London,
                                          South Africa, incorporating various ministries, each
                                          geared to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ around
                                          the nations of this world.

                                          For more information visit:
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