Page 18 - MyFaith Mag October 2016 Web
P. 18
BY ESTHER SAUNDERS Hello boys and girls, Jazz and I have just gotten back from our cousin’s
birthday party. He turned five years old today. He had his party at a play
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wall and arcade games. His mommy also prepared lots of sweet treats
18 | OCTOBER 2016 for us to enjoy and it was a great celebration.
We were so excited to give him his gift. He loves super hero toys and
Lego. Jazz and I saved some of our pocket money and bought him a
Lego action figure.
We love birthdays, not only our own but sharing in the excitement when
someone else celebrates a birthday. Mommy and Daddy have always
made our birthdays special. Mommy always tells the story of when I
was born. She says I was very small when I was born, small enough to
fit into a shoe box. Everyone was so worried because I had to stay in
the hospital for one month to grow bigger and stronger. Mommy says
that she felt afraid that I would become ill or worse that I would die. She
says that she prayed for me every day, and as she prayed I grew and
became stronger and stronger. After ten days I was able to go home with
Mommy and Daddy to meet Jazz. It was a miracle.
Mommy read to us from the Bible that God knew us even before we
were born. God knows our beginning and our end. He knows each part
of us, our nose, our ears and even the hairs on our head. He knows our
thoughts and the secrets of our hearts. He created us. Mommy says that
birthdays are a great reminder of God’s love toward us. Each day that is
added to our lives is a blessing but also an opportunity to be a blessing
to others. How amazing is it that with billions of people on earth God
knows each and every one of us.
The Bible also tells us that we were created in God’s image. I know what
you are thinking, we all look so different. God created man perfect and
holy as He is perfect and holy but sin came into the world and messed
up the perfect thing that God had created. So God sent Jesus to die
for our sins so that when we stand before God He sees us as holy and
perfect through Jesus. When a baby is born it does not know about being
naughty or rude, it does not know about sadness or pain. Sin comes and
messes with that perfect baby as it grows up and changes the image of
God into something ugly. Mommy says that birthdays should remind
us of the reason we were created by God, to worship and serve Him. It
should remind us of His perfect plan for us, to prosper us and give us
hope and a bright future.