Page 14 - MyFaith Mag October 2016 Web
P. 14

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BOOK Carolyn Larsen BLACKWELL COLD CASE                                    OF CHILDREN                          TEENAGERS

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“Superheroes” followed               “Guilt”followed                        “Children” followed by              “Teenagers” followed by

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“90 super prayers for ordinary       A Riveting Cold-Case Mystery          You know you love your child.        Get ready to discover how the
boys to be extraordinary for         from Dee Henderson                    But how can you make sure your       principles of the five love lan-
Jesus.”                                                                    child knows it?                      guages can really work in the
                                     Evie Blackwell loves her life as                                           life of your teenager and family.
Little boys are convinced that it’s  an Illinois State Police Detective    The #1 New York Times bestsell-
beyond amazing to be able to fly     . . . mostly. She’s very skilled at   ing The 5 Love Languages® has        Over 600,000 copies sold!
like Superman, to be as strong as    investigations and has steadily       helped millions of couples learn     Socially, mentally, and spiritu-
the Hulk or to be as fast as the     moved up through the ranks. She       the secret to building a love that   ally, teenagers face a variety of
Flash. But those super powers        would like to find Mr. Right, but     lasts. Now discover how to speak     pressures and stresses each day.
don’t come close to the greatest     she has a hard time imagining         your child’s love language in a      Despite these pressures, it is
super power of all – prayer!         how marriage could work, con-         way that he or she understands.      still parents who can influence
                                     sidering the demands of her job.      Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Ross        teens the most, and The 5 Love
That’s exactly what boys will                                              Campbell help you:                   Languages of Teenagers equips
learn in the Super Heroes Prayer     Gabriel Thane is a lifetime resi-                                          parents to make the most of that
Book by Carolyn Larsen (author)      dent of Carin County and now          •	 Discover your child’s love        opportunity.
and Joe Goode (illustrator) – they   its sheriff, a job he loves. Gabe is        language
can do just about anything if they   committed to upholding the law                                             In this adaptation of the #1 New
just pray to God. The action-        and cares deeply for the resi-        •	 Assist your child in success-     York Times bestseller The 5 Love
packed illustrations with a comic    dents he’s sworn to protect. He             ful learning                   Languages (more than 10 mil-
book feel accompany 90 super         too would like to find a lifetime                                          lion copies sold), Dr. Gary Chap-
prayers and key Scripture verses     companion, a marriage like his        •	 Use the love languages to         man explores the world in which
that ordinary boys can pray to       parents have.                               correct and discipline more    teenagers live, explains their de-
become extraordinary super he-                                                   effectively                    velopmental changes, and gives
roes for Jesus. The prayers are di-  When Evie arrives in Carin, Il-                                            tools to help you identify and
vided into 15 sections that include  linois, it’s to help launch a new     •	 Build a foundation of un-         appropriately communicate in
prayers for when they’re scared,     task force dedicated to re-exam-            conditional love for your      your teen’s love language.
don’t understand something, sad      ining unsolved crimes across the            child
or when they want to pray for        state. Spearheading this trial run,                                        Get practical tips for how to:
friends or family members.           Evie will work with the sheriff’s     Plus: Find dozens of tips for prac-
                                     department on a couple of its         tical ways to speak your child’s     •	 Express love to your teen
The Super Heroes Prayer Book         most troubling missing-persons        love language.                             effectively
will show these young super          cases. As she re-examines old
heroes that God loves them so        evidence to pull out a few tenu-      Discover your child’s primary        •	 Navigate the key issues in
much, because they are His own       ous new leads, she unearths a         language—then speak it—and                 your teen’s life, including
special super heroes on earth and    surprising connection . . . pos-      you will be well on your way to            anger and independence
He will give them whatever they      sibly to a third cold case. Evie’s    a stronger relationship with your
need to do His work.                 determined to solve the cases         flourishing child.                   •	 Set boundaries that are en-
                                     before she leaves Carin County,                                                  forced with discipline and
                                     and Sheriff Thane, along with                                                    consequences
                                     his family, will be key to those
                                     answers.                                                                   •	 Support and love your teen
                                                                                                                      when he or she fails

* SMS cost R1.50 per entry. Competition opens on 1 October 2016 and closes 31 October 2016 and is open to SA Residents only.

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