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50 CRUCIAL QUESTIONS THE PROMISE OF JESSE                                       IS YOUR THINKING                     THE NEW MANAGER
                                                                               KEEPING YOU POOR?                         Steven Jacobs
John Piper & Wayne Grudem               WOODS

SMS the keyword -                       SMS the keyword -                      SMS the keyword -                     SMS the keyword -
“Crucial” followed by                   “Jesse” followed by                    “Thinking” followed by                “Manager”followed by

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The roles of men and women are          The summer of 1972 was the most        ‘Thinking like a poor person will     The complete, easy-to-follow
immensely contested in both so-         pivotal of Matt Plumley’s child-       keep you poor. Thinking like a        handbook for newly appointed
ciety and the church today. Chris-      hood. While his beloved Pirates        wealthy person will make you          leaders
tians are looking for answers           battle for back-to-back World          wealthy. I would like to show you
from the Bible regarding how            Series titles, Matt’s family moves     exactly what the differences be-      How do you cope if you are new to
God intends for men and women           from Pittsburgh to Dogwood, West       tween the two ways of thinking        your management position? How
to relate to one another. In this       Virginia, where his father steps into  are and how you can use them in       do you lead well? What principles
concise and accessible resource,        the pulpit of a church under the       your favour.’ - Douglas Kruger        must you apply? You need help and
well-known authors and Bible            thumb of town leader Basil Black-                                            you need it fast! This simple book
teachers John Piper and Wayne           wood. A fish out of water, Matt is     Being rich is not normal: most        will:
Grudem respond to fifty crucial         relieved to forge a fast bond with     people never achieve wealth in
questions often asked in relation       two unlikely friends: Dickie Darrel    their lifetime. The very word ‘rich’  •	 provide you with all the nec-
to biblical manhood and wom-            Lee Hancock, a mixed-race boy,         describes a state beyond the me-            essary leadership principles
anhood. Answering objections            and Jesse Woods, a tough-as-nails      dian, and therein lies an important         to enable you to face your
raised against the view that God        girl with a sister on her hip and no   lesson.                                     own unique challenges in
created men and women equal             dad in sight.                                                                      leading your team;
in value but distinct in role, Piper                                           To become rich, your thinking has
and Grudem winsomely present            As the trio traipses the hills and     to be radically different from that   •	 advise you on how to get the
a biblical vision of gender roles       hollers, Matt begins to fall for Jes-  of the people around you. Do you            best out of your staff, as well
that is life-giving and fulfilling for  se, and their promises to each oth-    know what those specific differ-            as out of yourself; and
both men and women.                     er draw him deeper into her terri-     ences may be?
                                        fying reality. One night, the wrath                                          •	 equip you with the necessary
                                        of the Blackwoods and the secrets      Business and wealth guru Doug-              skills to not only manage, but
                                        of Jesse’s family collide, and Matt    las Kruger strips away the feel-            to lead.
                                        joins Jesse in a rescue that saves     good hype and gets right down to
                                        one life and ends another . . . and    the practical principles. He leads    In this book, written by an author
                                        severs the bond of their friendship.   you through the types of thinking     with years of experience in man-
                                                                               that hold individuals, families and   agement, you will find solutions
                                        Years later, Matt is pulled back       businesses in generational cycles     to typical workplace challenges
                                        to Dogwood and to memories of          of poverty. He explores the dra-      through practical examples of what
                                        that momentous summer by news          matically different approaches of     other leaders have faced in similar
                                        of Jesse’s upcoming wedding. He        the self-made rich and super-rich,    situations. As you work through
                                        could never shake the feeling that     showing you which behaviours          daily issues in 52 easily accessible
                                        there was more to the story of that    to begin practising and which         steps, you will build leadership
                                        fateful night, and he’s determined     behaviours are traitorous to your     skills in a concrete and lasting way.
                                        to learn the truth behind the only     wealth potential.                     At the end of each chapter there
                                        promise Jesse Woods ever broke.                                              are reflection questions to help
                                                                               Escape poverty. Raise your value.     you identify your current leader-
                                                                               Change the trajectory of your         ship approach.
                                                                                                                     Whether you read it from begin-
                                                                               It all begins with the way you        ning to end or dip into it as prob-
                                                                               think.                                lems or queries arise,The New
                                                                                                                     Manager will make your journey
                                                                                                                     as a new leader exciting and allow
                                                                                                                     you to prosper in every challenge.


There is no limit to the amount of entries by any person. Each SMS received is automatically put into the draw which will take place on the first Fri-
day of the new calendar month. No single person may receive a free giveaway in three consecutive months. No employees of the River Corporation
or its affiliates are eligible to receive any of the prizes through the SMS line. The prize winners will be published in myFaith Magazine and prizes
will be posted free of charge. No correspondence will be entered into at all with any of the entrants concerning the awarding of prizes.

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