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Learn the Best Strategy for Battle                              ing your faith, and showing you how to move forward to
The first step in confronting your giants is making the deci-   overcome your giants.
sion that you won’t live with them any longerbut you will       The truth is, you don’t have to live defeated, with a broken
trust God to help you do what you need to do to be free         heart and emotional pain. Make your mind up today: “I’m
of them. Your attitude should be: I am a giant killer, and I’m  not going to get stuck in the past and give up my future
not running from my problems anymore. I’m going to take         because of something that hurt me. I can’t go back and
responsibility for the messes I’ve made and stop making ex-     undo it, but I can go forward in Christ. I will have a whole
cuses to avoid them. I’m trusting God to show me what I         heart and be healed because Jesus came to heal the bro-
need to do, and by His grace, I’ll do it!                       kenhearted. I am a giant killer!”

Remember that we are partners with God: We have a part
to do and He has a part to do. He won’t do our part, and
we can’t do His part. When we do what we can do, He will
always do what we cannot do. But we have to be willing to
obey His direction, doing what He shows us to do.

The next step is to study the Word; look up every scripture
in the Bible that addresses the issue and meditate on each
one. Write them down and put them places where you’ll
see them often. Pray and ask God to help you apply His
Truth to your life. It can also help to read books about the
subject, and if you need it, get professional help, like
As you spend time with God, praying and studying Scripture,
He will work in your heart, healing your wounds, strengthen-

For more on this topic, order Joyce’s four-CD series Don’t Panic: Living Worry Free Every Day!You can also contact us to
receive our free magazine, Enjoying Everyday Life, by calling (800) 727-9673 or visiting

Ladies, join Joyce Meyer for the 35th Annual Love Life Women’s Conference September 21-23 in Saint Louis, MO. For more
information, go to

Joyce Meyer is a New York Times bestselling author and founder of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. She has authored more
than 100 books, including Battlefield of the Mind and Seize the Day: Living on Purpose and Making Every Day Count (Ha-
chette). She hosts the Enjoying Everyday Life radio and TV programs, which air on hundreds of stations worldwide.
For more information, visit
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