Page 12 - myfaith_may2017_complete
P. 12



If we look at Luke 17:11-19 we will see that Jesus healed 10   As a farmer, I’m sitting in my quiet time room and I am lis-
lepers, but only one leper returned after he was healed to     tening to the gentle rain falling on top of my tin roof. The air
say thank you to Jesus. What is even more interesting is that  is pregnant with moisture and the trees are dripping with
the single leper that came back was not even a Jew, but        drops of rain - I’m so thankful.
a Samaritan (a foreigner), and Jesus asked “Where are the
other 9?”                                                      Let us not take God’s blessings for granted, because not
                                                               one of us deserves anything from God. Let us rather be
We as believers need to stop grumbling and complaining         grateful for every drop of rain that we have got. Instead of
so much. We need to start thanking God for His goodness        saying “It’s not enough”, let us rather rephrase that com-
and His grace poured out towards each one of us. There is      ment and say “God thank you for giving us the life support
an old saying that I read just recently which says, “Do not    we need by sending this gentle, beautiful rain.”
grumble because you do not get what you want; but rather
be grateful that you don’t get what you deserve.” Not one      How can we show God in a practical way that we truly love
of us deserves to go to Heaven, not one of us deserves sal-    Him and that we truly are grateful for the promise we have
vation, not one of us deserves to meet Jesus Christ face-      of eternal life, not because of our good works, but because
to-face one day but because of His goodness towards us,        we believe?
those of us who believe that He is the Son of God, will meet
Him in paradise and live with Him forever.                     We can show Jesus by telling others about Him. By telling
                                                               others with a positive attitude that Jesus Christ is Lord and
A man by the name William Tiptaft said, “God is pleased        that nothing can happen to us without His permission. The
with gratitude because He gets so little of it.” We need to    most grateful man that I believe in The Bible was Job, the
start to be grateful for what we’ve got and stop complain-     farmer. He was not a fair-weather Christian and he loved
ing about what we haven’t got.                                 God unconditionally. He refused to speak badly about God
                                                               and his very own wife said “Why don’t you curse God and
There is a story of a little boy who had no shoes and he       die.” Job lost everything, his possessions, his health and his
was continually grumbling to his mother about it. Until one    farm etc. but he continued to say in The Book of Job 13:15
day when he was walking down the street, he saw a little       (NKJV), “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”
boy being wheeled down the street in a wheelchair and he
had no feet. From that moment onwards the little boy never     That is gratitude and saying “Thank you Lord, I love You
grumbled again.                                                unconditionally.” That is what God is requiring from you
                                                               and me this year; unconditional love, much gratitude and
I remember preaching in a Church in Johannesburg many          thankfulness for saving and giving us an eternal future.
years ago and on the wall inside the Church, in bright neon
lights was written “Missionary work is gratitude for Calva-    God bless
ry.” I’ve never forgotten that. We don’t preach the Gospel     Angus Buchan
for anything else, but because we love Jesus and He has
called us to go into all the world and to preach the Gospel
to every creature (Mark 16:15).
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