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change revolution


                               PHIL COOKE

In many ways, the most important advantage a person has          with people trumps everything. If you can inspire and moti-
in the workplace are relationships. In the past, “network-       vate people, you’ll always be in demand.
ing” was about taking advantage – what other people can
do for me. But today, networking is about helping other          4) The people you meet on the way up, you’ll meet on the
people because it’s the right thing to do. Whether you be-       way down. Far too many people are rude and inconsider-
lieve in God, Karma, or random chance, the truth is, when        ate to co-workers while they’re rising in the company. But
you help others achieve their dreams, they can help you          no one knows the future, and you never know who you’ll
achieve yours. But when it comes to the mentors and al-          need to know. Be nice now – it can reap powerful divi-
lies you have at work, here some important principles to         dends later in your career.
                                                                 5) Finally, the unexpected people in the office can of-
1) Find people who can help you in your weak areas. If           ten help the most. Early in my career I realized I couldn’t
you’re weak with numbers, develop a relationship with            spend time with the company president, so I got to know
someone in accounting. If you’re weak creatively, get to         his secretary, an older woman named Ruth. I remembered
know the creative team. Too often we spend the most time         her birthday, asked about her family, and we became
with people like us, when we should be spending more time        friends. I discovered pretty quickly just how much power
with people who compliment our skill set. It’s not about us-     the president’s secretary really had. An email from her was
ing them, it’s about how together you can be more valu-          as authoritative as an email from the boss, and her influ-
able to the organization.                                        ence made a huge difference for me. Likewise, security
                                                                 guards, receptionists, and others can help when the chips
2) Be sincere. I can tell in less than a minute when some-       are down. Never forget that the least powerful people can
one is simply trying to get something from me. The old say-      often have the most influence.
ing “They don’t care how much you know until they know
how much you care” is true. Count on it.

3) “People skills” are the most important skills you’ll ever
learn. I don’t care what your job is, your ability to get along
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