Page 30 - MyFaith Mag September 2016 Compelte
P. 30

DSTV CHANNEL 341                                                                       FAMILY OF NETWORKS

S E P 2016                                                                         



SPONSORED BY PARABLES TELEVISION NETWORK                                         20:00

THE UNEXPECTED                         THE RIGHT TO BELIEVE                      GOSPEL WRITERS                           IN HIS STEPS
BARMITZVAH                             DRAMA - PG16                              AUTOGRAPH                                DRAMA - PG13
DRAMA - PG13                           10 SEPTEMBER                              COMEDY/DRAMA - PG13                      24 SEPTEMBER
4 SEPTEMBER                                                                      17 SEPTEMBER

Paul Douglas is a bright, passionate   This movie focuses on a controver-        This is an original movie with a novel   The classic story by Charles Sheldon
twelve-year-old Christian whose        sial topic, homosexuality. It handles     idea. The plot revolves around two       comes to life like never before in this
goal is to be a missionary to the      it with love, kindness and compas-        friends, Mitch (Leo Kempf) and           modern day adaptation!
world, especially to the Jewish and    sion yet tackles it head on with its      Vance (Markus Porter), who travel        When a homeless man interrupts the
Native American people. The rubber     beliefs rooted firmly in God’s word.      back in time to meet the four Gospel     comfortable routine of First Church
meets the road for his aspirations                                               writers: Matthew, Mark, Luke and         of Raymond, life will never be the
when a Jewish family moves in next     Tony Morris (Christopher Hunt) is         John. They want their autographs         same for the apathetic congregation.
door and Paul has the opportunity      a local newspaper reporter who is         on their Bibles! Each disciple is a bit  Henry Maxwell, Rachel Winslow,
for hands on experience. As a result,  demoted to writing for his paper’s        taken aback by the two young men,        Virginia Page and Alex Powers are
he gets into trouble with his father   community section after his cred-         and amazed by the modern pen as          thrust into a journey of discovering
for investigating the baptism of the   ibility is falsely called into question.  opposed to the quills they are used      what life is like beyond “Christianity
Holy Spirit, a doctrine their church   Little does Tony know that his first      to writing with.                         as usual.” But as they find themselves
strongly disputes.                     assignment in his new role presents                                                opposed by family strife, church
                                       the biggest challenge of his young        The film features humor, including       politics, and scorned lovers, will they
Abraham Maslow is a twelve-            career. With his job on the line, Tony    Mitch getting a signed photo of the      be able to keep their commitment,
year-old Jewish boy whose father       is assigned to cover the town’s first     TV alien ALF in the mail, his mention    or will they be dragged back into
instructs him how to combat the        Gay Pride Day and interview parade        of Frodo and the ring to John and, of    fruitless lives?
proselytizing of Christian mis-        organizer Markus Fry (Timothy Paul        course, John having no clue what he
sionaries. After a tough economic      Taylor).                                  is referring to, and Mitch’s comment    
situation forces the Maslow family                                               that he would love to go back to the
to relocate to an area in which no     Challenged to an open debate on           past to tell George Lucas not to make
other Jewish people live, Abe’s        the biblical principles of homosexu-      episodes 1, 2, and 3 of “Star Wars!”
father is faced with this biggest      ality, Tony must choose between           Another example of humor is when
nightmare as Paul’s prayers lead       relying on his Christian values and       a man from the past asks if Mitch and
to some unusual experiences for        moral convictions or taking the easy      Vance are Greek, and Mitch replies,
Abraham. The ensuing ideas from        way out and just writing the story.       “No, but the folks back home call us
those experiences collide head on      Will Tony’s entire reporting career       something very similar.” The movie
with Micah Maslow’s Conservative       come crashing down if he dares to         also has the powerful message that
Jewish beliefs.                        stand up for what he believes?            people were willing to die for the
                                                                                 Gospels and their faith in Christ, and
As the two boys get closer to each                                               that some actually did.
other, they drift further from their
doting fathers. Both of them face                                                The movie is creative and funny
hard decisions as their probe to find                                            in spots. There are references to
religious truth shakes the foundation                                            popular culture such as a comment
of their family relationships. Abe’s                                             about the TV series, “Star Trek: The
new found interest in the Christian                                              Next Generation” and a “Good-night,
Savior threatens his coming of age                                               John-Boy” comment. We are award-
ceremony, his Bar Mitzvah, an event                                              ing our “Faith-Friendly” Seal for ages
both he and his father have long                                                 twelve plus to the movie. This one
awaited.                                                                         will be enjoyed by those in the mood
                                                                                 for something original.
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