Page 26 - MyFaith Mag September 2016 Compelte
P. 26

GIVEAWAYS                           Win                                    Win                                   Win
                                     1x                                    2x                                     1x

 GHOEGHOE KUIER IN                  Aletté-Johanni Winckler – RUTH & BILLY GRAHAM THE BORROWED DONKEY


SMS the keyword -                    SMS the keyword -                      SMS the keyword -                    SMS the keyword -
“Ghoempie” followed by               “Maandag” followed by                  “Couple” followed by                 “Donkey” followed by

 your name and address to            your name and address to               your name and address to             your name and address to

32697 to enter.*                     32697 to enter.*                       32697 to enter.*                     32697 to enter. *

Vir meer as ‘n dekade reeds deel    Hoe kom kan jy nie vandág oor          She was born in 1920 on the east      Andrew Murray-Desmond Tutu
Carike Keuzenkamp en haar           begin en lief wees vir die unieke      coast of China, the daughter of       Prize 2015
geliefde karaktertjies, Ghoem-      jy wat jy is nie? Jy kan beslis! Want  an American missionary doctor
pie en Ghoeghoe, waardevolle        môre is “Maandag”– jou oor             in the midst of civil war.            Well-known and respected
lewenslesse met Suid-Afrikaanse     begin-dag! Dit is Aletté- Johanni                                            theologian Prof. Denise Acker-
kinders; vermaak sy hulle en wys    Winckler, bekende Suid-Afri-           He was born the son of a dairy        mann openly explores her expe-
hulle terselfdertyd dat die lewe    kaanse ma, sakevrou, skrywer,          farmer in 1918 in Charlotte, North    riences after she was diagnosed
bedoel is om vol pret en geluk te   blogger en sangeres, se bood-          Carolina, where milking cows          first with cancer, and then with
wees.                               skap in Môre is Maandag.               was a daily chore.                    macular degeneration leading to
                                                                                                                 impaired sight.
Getrou aan haar strewe om           Aletté-Johanni deel haar gewilde       Together they would live a life of
geloof in die daaglikse lewe van    Sarie-blogs vol pittige humor oor      influence neither could have im-      She shares her search for an-
toepassing te maak, word elke       haar eie issues, kinders en som-       agined on their own.                  swers in this gripping, thought-
Bybelstorie vergesel van ‘n mod-    mer alles wat deel is van ’n                                                 provoking book. Honest and
erne verhaaltjie waarin Ghoem-      vrou se lewe.Sy vertel ook haar        No one has preached the gospel        revealing, she grapples with her
pie en Ghoeghoe kinders op ‘n       lewensverhaal en deel haar diep        to more people than evangelist        faith in Jesus in this, her “biogra-
praktiese manier wys hoe om         geloof in haar hemelse Vader.En        Billy Graham. But behind this         phy of faith” – faith in “the man
hulle geloof uit te leef. ‘n Bonus  om alles te kroon, gee sy won-         exceptional man is an equally         on the borrowed donkey”, as she
is die gratis CD waarop sy die      derlike raad oor styl, mode, lig-      exceptional woman who made            calls him.
Bybelstories voorlees, met drie     gaamvorms en                           his global ministry possible.
liedjies uit haar gouestatus-CD,    gelaatskleur met duidelike il-         Through her constant love, sup-       Facing some of life’s hardest
Carike, Ghoempie en Ghoeghoe        lustrasies sodat elke vrou dit kan     port, prayers, and personal min-      questions, she discovers the
kuier in Bybelland.                 gaan toepas.                           istry, Ruth helped shape Billy’s      ability to view her own life with
                                                                           tireless work for the Kingdom of      the eyes of faith and to see,
                                    Môre is Maandag sal vroue wys          God.                                  above all else, a history of bless-
                                    hoe om die vreugde en seëninge                                               ings - many blessings.
                                    in die elke dag se lewe raak te        Now you can get to know this
                                    sien.Hierdie boek is bedoel vir        couple intimately in their first bi-
                                    elke vrou–kom lag en huil saam         ography that focuses on both Bil-
                                    met jou nuwe vriendin, Aletté-         ly and Ruth. This engaging book
                                                                           • is endorsed by Billy Graham
                                                                           • tells many personal stories not
                                                                           yet known to the wider public

                                                                           Discover how their devotion to
                                                                           God and to each other allowed
                                                                           them to influence generations
                                                                           of believers and bring the life-
                                                                           giving message of forgiveness in
                                                                           Jesus’s name to the masses.

* SMS cost R1.50 per entry. Competition opens on 1 September 2016 and closes 30 September 2016 and is open to SA Residents only.

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