Page 20 - MyFaith Mag September 2016 Compelte
P. 20

FAITH DOME                                                     

  DAY 470 [12 JULY 2016]

    The Faith Dome Project has come a long way and we would
    like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking this exciting
    journey with us. Throughout the progress we have seen the
    hand of God move mightily in seeing the project complete.
    The stage has been reached where the first strips of insulation
    and outer covering is being put in place. Exciting times indeed!
    We trust that this part of the project will be complete before
    the anticipated spring rains come to announce the impeding

    The budget is currently just 0.55% short of the final goal that
    translates to R 165 807 of the total project budget of
    R30 million! Again, we would like to convey our appreciation
    for everyone who has united with us in seeing the vision
    complete. We believe in God’s bigger plan in making this a
    soul-saving facility and know that since we are united in this,
    He will bless every person who is even remotely connected
    to the project. The Faith Broadcasting team is extremely privi-
    leged to have so many like-minded people at their side and is
    honoured to call them friends! We praise God for such faithful
    partners. Daily we receive calls and emails from people all
    over the world who are pledging support, both in prayer and
    finances, for the Faith Dome project. Together and united we
    believe to see the project complete in the very near future.

    For all of us at Faith Broadcasting Network this is so much
    more than a dome, and we thank you for supporting us in our
    vision. The roof covers a space where the “real work” is done
    and where the Great Commission from Jesus finds expression
    in what we do. All our partners are faithful in their prayer and
    financial support, and share in the labours for the Kingdom.
    We know that God will richly bless those that are concerned
    with matters on His heart!

20 | SEPTEMBER 2016
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