Page 32 - MyFaith Mag March 2017 flipbuilder
P. 32



                                                         “I was a six foot three, four hundred pound, tattooed up monster that had no
                                                         issue with killing you.” –Michael Bull Roberts If anyone was beyond rehabilita-
                                                         tion, it was career criminal Michael Bull Roberts. A violent, white supremacist,
                                                         drug trafficking gang member, he was ruthless and unrepentant in his bru-
                                                         tality. Physically and sexually assaulted as a child, his struggles with addic-
                                                         tion, mental illness, homelessness, violence and crime were the foundation
                                                         on which his hugely successful gang activities were built. “You can’t change
                                                         your past, but you can change your future.” –Motivational Speaker Reggie
                                                         Dabbs Every attempt at change was inevitably met with failure, until an un-
                                                         expected and dramatic encounter on a hotel room floor began a process
                                                         of transformation that is still underway. Now a passionate advocate of youth,
Michael dreams of opening the doors to the kind of centre that might have changed his own life. As he pursues art as
a cathartic avenue to freedom, he desperately tries to reach kids embarking on the same destructive road he travelled.
“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” –Mother Teresa This
documentary will look at the beauty and challenge of re-building a broken life from the ashes of hatred and violence.
Shot in ultra-high definition 4K, using the revolutionary RED Camera, this story will peel back the layers to investigate what
it takes to go from Notorious to Glorious.


                       Inside Teen Suicide features six riveting personal stories told through raw, grip-
                       ping visuals, and looks at the root causes of teen suicide in our modern world.
                       Amidst the stories of despair and triumph, viewers are reminded that there
                       are options, there are ways out of the darkness, and there is hope.


                                                         In one year, they’ve claimed the lives of more than 16,000 people in the Unit-
                                                         ed States. They’ve stolen identities, broken families, and led to life changing
                                                         addictions. And they are likely sitting in your medicine cabinet this very mo-
                                                         ment. In the last 20 years, there has been a fundamental shift in the way doc-
                                                         tors have been treating pain in North America. Powerful pain killers known as
                                                         opioids used to be reserved for treating the terminally ill. But today, they’re at
                                                         the center of a national health epidemic. The results have been catastrophic.
                                                         Every 20 minutes an American dies due to an overdose on opioids. And for
                                                         the first time in history, more people are dying from a prescription drug over-
                                                         dose than a car crash as the leading cause of accidental death in North
                                                         America. We seek to answer some of the toughest questions surrounding this
epidemic. How did these drugs become so prevalent? Who is responsible? And most importantly: What can be done to
stop our youths from abusing these drugs? In this powerful documentary, we speak with renowned experts, parents who
have lost children, and individuals who personally experienced the throes of addiction. This documentary will inform you
about the dangers of abusing opioids and how you can help someone who is caught in the deadly grip of prescription
drug addiction.


                       Sex sells! This simple idea propels billions of dollars in advertising and media
                       content revenue every year and is a driving force in shaping youth culture
                       today. From New York to L.A., Toronto to Boston, teen and expert voices de-
                       fine the astounding impact media sex messages have had on their lives and
                       communities. In this hour long documentary the producer looks at why com-
                       panies are promoting sex to sell products to younger and younger children,
                       how pornography is changing behavior on campuses across the continent,
                       and why there is a new movement among youth to rebel against the sex mes-
                       sages they have been sold. Experts include Dr. Caroline Heldman (Professor
                       of Politics – Occidental College), Dr. Sharon Lamb (Professor of Psychology
                       – University of Massachusetts), and Dean Batali (Writer – That 70s Show), who
                       dig deep into the issue and explore this unique social phenomenon.
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