Page 24 - MyFaith Mag March 2017 flipbuilder
P. 24

faith kids

 Thank you Lord that You are a faithful God
that we can depend on. That You are powerful

 and that the history we read about doesn’t
 make You old or irrelevant but proves to us
just how great You are. Help us to always put
our hope and trust in You, rather than an ever

             changing world. Amen



Hello boys and girls, recently Jazz and I went to the museum. We got to     what mommy said when we told her about our excursion. She ex-
see lots of really old looking things. We saw a horse and cart like they    plained that in the beginning Adam and Eve lived very differently to the
used to use before there were cars, Jazz really liked that idea because     way those people lived at the museum and even differently to the way
he loves horses. I loved all the old dresses, people used to dress up like  we live now. The way we talk, dress, work and even the way in which her
they were going to a ball every single day.                                 and dad raise our family, everything is different in one way or another.
                                                                            But who God is never changing. He is the same God who performed all
Our teachers explained that we were learning about our history and          the miracles in the Bible, the same God who saved the Israelites from
how things have changed over many years. From what we saw things            slavery and the same God who raised Jesus from the dead. We and the
were really different all those years ago. What people wore, where and      world we live in may change but He remains the same.
how they lived, even what thay ate and how they cooked food.
                                                                            That is why we are always able to put our hope and trust in Him and
It’s amazing to think that even though all these things have changed        know without a doubt that He will never fail.
over hundreds of years that the God we serve remains the same. That’s
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