Page 20 - MyFaith Mag March 2017 flipbuilder
P. 20

change revolution

                YOUR IDEAS

                                 PHIL COOKE

If you’re a creative person, at some point you’ll find a boss,     put in the discipline and hard work of making those ideas
investor, studio, or colleague who rejects your ideas. Some-       happen.
times it will happen so often you’ll start to question your own    But rather than be discouraged I simply launched a blog
ability, and wonder if you’re really creative at all. In these     and started pouring that advice into it. And that’s a big rea-
moments (which will definitely come) my advice is:                 son I launched what you’re reading now.
Never base your creativity on other people’s opinions of           After his first book – the iconic thriller Carrie – received 30
your ideas.                                                        rejections, writer Stephen King finally gave up and literally
Early in my career I worked with a boss who disliked so            tossed it in the trash. But his wife fished it out and encour-
many of my ideas he eventually fired me. Low and behold,           aged him to resubmit it. He finally found that person who
I discovered other clients were willing pay me to execute          recognized the value of the idea, and the rest is history. To-
the very ideas he hated! It reminded me about Walt Disney          day, he’s one of the best-selling authors of all time.
being fired by a newspaper editor because, “he lacked im-
agination and had no good ideas.”                                   GREAT IDEAS DON’T HAVE
Years later, I had a few friends that asked me for advice
about their careers. But they simply refused to listen to any       AN EXPIRATION DATE. PHIL COOKE
advice – solicited or unsolicited. It was incredibly frustrating
because those simple ideas could have made a profound              So don’t be discouraged. When your ideas are rejected,
difference for them. But time after time, they used excuses        write them down, keep them nearby, and sooner or later
like “I’m simply wired differently,” or “You don’t understand      the right person, project, or situation will come along.
this particular situation.” The truth is, they weren’t willing to
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