Page 14 - MyFaith Mag March 2017 flipbuilder
P. 14
If we look in the Word of God in 1 Timothy 4:15(NKJV) Paul hat and his tails, he would roll up his sleeves, take an axe
tells Timothy, “Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely and beat everybody at splitting wood. They once asked
to them, that your progress may be evident to all.” him, “If you had 6 hours to cut down a large tree, how would
you go about it?” He said, “I would send the first 4 hours
When we meditate we have an opportunity to digest what sharpening the axe.”
God is trying to tell us. I would call it; one of the disciplines
that the church is not majoring on in these days. It is evident Some of us have problems with our memory, especially as
by the way in which we see so many believers, who are not we grow older, and especially when it comes to memoris-
totally convinced about the fundamentals of God’s Holy ing Bible scriptures. The great theologian Matthew Henry
Word. said “Meditation is the best help to memory.”
When we meditate on The Word of God there can be no I often have people write to me and they would say they
doubt about what God means when it comes to Bible prin- have a problem with different temptations in their lives.
ciples. For example John 14:6 (NKJV) Jesus says, “I am the Some tell me they have a problem with lust and yet they
way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father ex- continue to engage in pornographic material. Josiah Hol-
cept through Me.” Now if you meditate on that scripture, land said, “The mind grows on what it feeds on.” If we can-
you will see that it is impossible to agree with the interfaith not meditate on God’s Word we leave the door wide open
people who say that all roads lead to heaven, if you don’t for all kinds of temptations from the world to enter in. So we
meditate on that scripture and you “speed read,” than you need to start, not only to read the Bible slowly, but most of
will overlook the importance of the fact that there is only all to meditate on the words that we read.
one God. Speed reading is a clever technique to get lots
of work done, but to extract deep nourishment we need to Remember that all work and no play makes Jack a dull
read slowly. If you and I say that we do not have time any- boy. If we cannot give ourselves time to systematic medi-
more to meditate, we are in deep trouble. tation on God’s Word we will never grow in the Kingdom
of God. We will become standard Christians, who bring no
Vance Harner said, “When we are too busy to sharpen the glory to Jesus Christ.
axe, then we are too busy.” Abraham Lincoln the very fa-
mous US president came from the country. He would win May God bless you as you start to discipline yourself and
all the agricultural competitions and shows. He was a tall, meditate regularly on God’s Word regularly.
strongly built man. They said that when he took off his top