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I recently read a tremendous story on this topic about Wil-        God’s Word clearly shows us thatwhen we have a need
liam Booth, the founder of The Salvation Army. It was Christ-      in our own life, helping others is one of the most powerful
mas Eve, 1910, and due to sickness, he wasn’t going to be          things we can do!
able to attend the organization’s annual convention. He
had become an invalid, and his eyesight was failing.               Are you going through a difficult time? Are you waiting for
                                                                   a breakthrough in a certain area? If so, Psalm 37:3 has the
Normally, Booth would speak to the workers and share an            answer for every problem you will face:
encouraging message with these men and women who
had spent long hours in service during the Christmas sea-          “Trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) in the Lord and
son. But this year, knowing he couldn’t attend, he decided         do good; so shall you dwell in the land and feed surely on
to send a message by telegram that could be read to all            His faithfulness, and truly you shall be fed”(AMPC).
those in attendance.
                                                                   The bottom line here is: Trust God and do good! Because
Booth searched his heart and mind and reviewed his years           when you place your trust and hope in the Lord andcom-
of ministry, looking for a message that would summarize his        mit yourself to helping others and taking care of their prob-
life and the mission of The Salvation Army. He wanted to           lems, you open the door for God to do incredible things in
compose a speech that would encourage these men and                your own life.
                                                                   Would you like to make every day better? Would you like
That night, when the thousands of delegates met, the mod-          to find joy even in the midst of difficult times? Then begin
erator shared the news that William Booth would not be             taking just a few minutes every day to think about what you
present due to his failing health. They were naturally disap-      can do to help someone else.
pointed; however, he conveyed that Booth had sent some-
thinghe wanted to share with them in his absence.                  You’ll find that when you make others your focus, God’s
                                                                   blessings will always come back to you!
The moderator opened the telegram, then read William
Booth’s one-word message: “Others.”

This story really speaks to me! It’s so easy to always focus
on ourselves—what we want and what we think. But we of-
ten have it backward.Remember Acts 20:35: God is saying
when we make others our priority, then everything else will
fall into place...and we will end up incredibly happy.

Here’s another scripture that says it well: “Seek first his king-
dom and his righteousness, and all these things will be giv-
en to you as well”(Matthew 6:33 NIV).

For more on this topic, order Joyce’s three-teaching CD series Simple, Practical Changes with Real Results.You
can also contact us to receive our free magazine, Enjoying Everyday Life, by calling (800) 727-9673 or visiting

Ladies, join Joyce Meyer for the 35th Annual Love Life Women’s Conference September 21-23 in Saint Louis, MO.
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Joyce Meyer is a New York Times bestselling author and founder of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. She has authored
more than 100 books, including Battlefield of the Mind and 20 Ways to Make Every Day Better (Hachette). She
hosts the Enjoying Everyday Life radio and TV programs, which air on hundreds of stations worldwide. For more
information, visit

Please note: The views and opinions expressed throughout this publication and/or website are those of the
respective authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Joyce Meyer Ministries.
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