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enjoying everyday life


               JOYCE MEYER

I love God’s Word because it is our instructional manual for    It’s actually amazing how just a few words of encourage-
life! In fact, there is an answer for every problem we face     ment can change someone’s entire day. Sometimes it can
in the Bible, including how to make a bad day better...and      even change their life!
increase our joy every single day.
                                                                It can be as simple as picking up the phone and calling a
For example, if you’re having a bad day, one of the worst       friend who’s been going through a rough time, letting them
things you can do is to keep thinking about yourself and        know you’re thinking about them and praying for their situ-
all of your own problems. It only makes things worse!The        ation. Or maybe you can send someone a text message to
best thing you can do isget your mind off yourself and help     let them know how valuable they are and how much you
someone else.                                                   care.

The apostle Paul says in Acts 20:35:“In everything I did, I     If you’re wondering, “How does helping someone else
showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the      make me happier?”then just think about Christmas morn-
weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said:        ing.
‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’”(NIV).
                                                                You’ve spent time shopping for gifts, spending your money
So, if I’m having a bad day, this Scripture tells me I can be   and sacrificing financially. You’ve also wrapped them and
happier by simply getting myself off my mind and helping        placed them under the tree for your kids or relatives. And
someone else.                                                   now it’s finally time to open them!

Helping others isn’t something you mayfeel like doing—it re-    Sure, it’s fun to receive a gift and open it; however, the best
quires a decision, especially when you’re concerned about       part is watching others open their gifts. Why? Because you
a problem or just feeling down. But making a choice to be       have sacrificed, spent your time and money and really in-
good to others has the power to help you and them. It’s         vested something into this.So, as you watch them open and
a spiritual principle that “it is more blessed to give than to  enjoy what you did for them, great joy is released in your
receive.”                                                       life.
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