Page 17 - myfaith_june2017_complete
P. 17

We have got to be different to this world and become more like Jesus. The greatest compliment you can ever receive, is
when somebody says, I see Jesus in you.

I remember a story many years ago, of a family of missionaries that were dropped off by a sailing ship on an island where
there were cannibals living. The ship left the missionaries on that island and most of them died, but one survived and they
allowed him to live for only one reason; he must never speak about Jesus Christ, and he must live in silence. Well, a hun-
dred years went past and then another sailing ship came to the same island. The missionaries presented the Gospel of
Jesus Christ to these islanders, who by now were drastically changed and had become peaceful people, but when they
were telling the story of Christ the islanders were not surprised in any way. One of the missionaries stopped in the middle
of the story and asked whether they knew this Man that they were talking about? They all nodded and said, “We do know
Him and He actually used to live on this island.”

Then they took the missionaries up in the hills and there was a little gravesite nicely cleaned and a cross painted in white.
There was the body of the missionary who had died eventually on the island. He never spoke and said anything, but he
lived the life, he died to self, and lived for these people. He preached Jesus Christ by his actions and not just by his words.

We need to be the same, words are very cheap, but it’s our actions that costs. The people of this world are desperate for
the truth and Jesus is the truth. May God bless you, as you start to live Christ and not just talk about Him.

God bless
Angus Buchan
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