Page 14 - myfaith_june2017_complete
P. 14


          ARE GOING?

                    ANGUS BUCHAN

There is an old saying that goes, “The world stands aside for   summer. For 40 years Moses was in charge of the well-be-
a man who knows where he is going.” The question is, do         ing of God’s people. They were fed every single day with
you know where you are going?                                   fresh manna from heaven. The literal translation of manna
                                                                is “What’s that?” It was a beautiful honey flavoured wafer
In The Bible, we see one of the giants, Moses, was a man        that settled on the ground every morning. The Israelites col-
who knew where he was going. Why? Simply because he             lected it up and that kept them living. Water literally came
had a personal relationship with God. If you have a person-     out of a rock. Their shoes never wore out and the animals
al relationship with Jesus Christ, namely spending time with    never died for 40 years.
Him each day, reading His Word, praying in a personal way,
reading a devotional, spending time listening to Christian      Moses had to know where he was going. I love the title that
music before the day commences, you will know exactly           he is given in Deuteronomy 33:1: Moses, the man of God.
where you are going. The Bible is our compass. It prevents      If you want to be a man, or woman, of God in these last
us from going down a cul-de-sac because that just a waste       days you have to know where you are going. Psalm 119:105
of time, because we have to come straight back up the           (NKJV), “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my
highway and start off again. We cannot afford to do that in     path.” The more time you spend in The Bible, the less mis-
these last days.                                                takes you will make and the less chances of you getting
                                                                lost. We cannot afford to get lost in the madness of these
Moses knew where he was going. Moses had no doubt               last days. We cannot afford to get lost in double standards,
about where he was going because he was leading two             in compromise, in dabbling in other faiths.
and a half million Jews through a treacherous desert. I have
been there myself, nothing lives there. It looks like the face  We need to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus alone. He will lead
of the moon. They say the temperatures exceed 50° in the        us not only through the desert, but all the way home.
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