Page 24 - MyFaith Mag JULY 2016 Web 001
P. 24


              BY ESTHER SAUNDERS

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   Jazz and I have had a really fun time performing with our school choir.
   We love spending time with our friends practising and working at making
   each and every song sound perfect.

   Our choir teacher is very strict and she expects us to go home and
   practise every day. It’s hard work learning all the lyrics but pays off when
   we win the choir competitions or even just to see the proud look on our
   choir teacher’s face. Not to mention the delicious ice cream she spoils us
   with when we do well.

   Mom and dad have always taught us that hard work pays off and that it
   is a quality of a child of God. The Bible says in Colossians 3:23 that we
   should do everything as if we were doing it for the Lord because He will
   reward our good work even if people do not always appreciate it.
   That means that when we do our school work or house chores or any
   task that we take on, that we should do it to the best of our abilities. God
   blesses us when we obey His word and follow His instructions and even
   though hard work may be tough sometimes, it is always to our benefit.

   Every day God blesses us with health, strength, wisdom and resources
   to take on our daily tasks. It is our responsibility to be good stewards
   and to be an example to those around us that God’s children work with

24 | JULY 2016
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