Page 40 - MyFaith Mag April - May web 2016
P. 40

DSTV CHANNEL 341                                                             FAMILY OF NETWORKS

MAY 2016                                                                 



TV ONE LIFE WITH SEAN PARK                             THE GREAT AWAKENING                                CHOOSE LIFE WITH JOHN
                                                       RODNEY HOWARD-BROWNE                               ROEBERT
TUESDAY                                                THURSDAY                                           SATURDAY
16:00                                                  19:00                                              11:00

TV One Life is the kind of show that will keep you     Hosted by Drs Rodney and Adonica Howard-           Pastor John and Mandri Roebert lead CHOOSE
watching. It is a commercial spoof one minute, a       Brown. A show to reach a generation and to impact  LIFE Church in Pretoria, South Africa. A church with
reality segment the next and heartfelt ministry after  a community with the life-changing message of the  a passion for the Holy Spirit, Worship and God’s
that. The fast-paced nature of the show is designed    Lord Jesus Christ.                                 Word. Their motto: ‘Helping People Know Jesus’
for this generation, or anyone who is a little ADD!
Between the humour, music and unfiltered ministry,
the message is clear, God can change your life!

SPONSORED BY PARABLES TELEVISION NETWORK                                          


ALL FOR LIBERTY                           NATALIE’S ROSE                      TOUCHED BY GRACE                        SECRETS IN THE SNOW
DRAMA                                     DRAMA                               DRAMA                                   DRAMA
6 MAY                                     13 MAY                              20 MAY                                  27 MAY

It is 1775. Henry Felder, a Swiss-        Natalie is devastated when she      Cara Jarvis longs to be a part of the   For the students of Eastbrook
German colonist, lives with his family    loses her mom. Now she is going     in-crowd at her new high school. In     High, what began as a Decem-
in the Back-country of South Carolina.    to the place that always put her    an effort to impress the town “hottie”  ber snow fall quickly becomes
However, he and his community are         mom at ease, Red Rock Ranch.        Brandon, she befriends Grace, a girl    a threatening winter storm, and
suffering under British injustice. After  There she finds a way to deal with  with Down Syndrome, a friendship        school is dismissed for the day.
many years of struggling with corrupt     the death and move on with her      she tries to hide when she meets        Six familiar strangers are the only
British rulers, Felder is urged by the    life without forgetting the memory  popular girls Skylar and Quinn. When    students remaining as the outdoor
new patriot governor to write Articles    of her mom. But Natalie is not the  Skylar loses her bid to be on the       conditions worsen and the doors
of Separation from the English King.      only one who has to confront her    Homecoming Court, she sets it up for    are locked. Wills are tested, friend-
Felder’s old Indian fighting comrade,     feelings.                           Grace to win Homecoming Queen           ships are created and secrets are
Bill Jenkins forms a Tory militia to                                          … as the Senior Prank. Grace wins, is   revealed as the students realize
assist the Crown as the fight heats up.                                       publicly humiliated, and Skylar rigs    they must rely on each other to
Felder raises his own militia, including                                      it so that Cara takes the blame. Cara   make it through the night.
a woman tavern owner who gathers                                              must win back Brandon, restore her
a patriot spy ring. In the ensuing                                            friendship with Grace, and save her     
struggles Felder and his family                                               reputation at her school.
discover the cost of freedom.

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