Page 5 - August 2017 Mag - Complete
P. 5
faith matters
In the previous issue we talked how our minds can be seen need to handle your day. You see, what you are going to
as the garden of our hearts. We also saw that every word receive from your time in the Word of God, depends entirely
that comes from God is like a seed we plant in this garden, on what you expect to receive. The measure of quality you
and how the measure of attention we give to the Word of receive is measured by your own measuring stick.
God, will be proportional to the amount of virtue it produc-
es in our lives. Kenneth Copeland once wrote about two kinds of people
and their expectations concerning the Word. They can
So how do we grow the garden of our heart? Let us answer both be believing for a particular breakthrough. One will
by asking you another question: What do you want your read the Word and say, “Praise God, I believe this promise
garden to look like? Do you like a full, fresh, burst of colour with all my heart! I’m going to keep on believing it, no mat-
and life? Do you want to walk through it being drawn to ter what, and constantly remind myself of it until I receive it
its loveliness and beautiful fragrance? Would you like to sit in totality!” The other person will say, “well, I certainly hope
down in its lush green grass and take it all in, enjoying every this promise works. I’m not really sure if it will, I’ll give this faith
detail, eating its ripe fruit while wave after wave of peace thing a try, but I doubt very much if any thing is actually go-
and fulfilment washes over you? ing to come of it.”
That’s because your thoughts are constantly influenced by Let me tell you, both people will receive exactly what they
the promises of God, and you know you have been filled expect. They will receive the same measure of the reality of
with new hope and strength to cope and face whatever the promise as they measured their attitude towards God’s
comes your way in the day. Or are you happy with a quick, Word! Or in gardening terms, the seeds of God’s Word they
low maintenance, semi desert experience? Where you choose to believe and hold onto in their hearts, will be-
can take a brisk walk through, sense a whiff of a distant come the beautiful hedges of protection that grow in their
fragrance of hope, maybe spot a tiny blossom of peace minds, influence their reasoning, control their emotions and
shooting off the side of a cactus somewhere, and be satis- dominate their wills. This is how the BLESSING influences our
fied with that. Then, off you go, hoping you have what you souls - the garden of our hearts.