Page 3 - MyFaithMag MAR 2018
P. 3
Waldo Malan
There is a universal ‘glue’ that keeps together My Faith Magazine explores the depths of this
relationships spanning business as well as topic in detail and we trust that our readers
personal arenas, and it is this ‘glue’ that will will find food for thought in each of the articles
determine, in every instance, the success of and viewpoints. We believe that ultimately the
that relationship. I am, of course, referring to source of effective and positive communication
communication. Communication is the one finds its source in the family structure, where
essential ingredient that we simply cannot do an environment conducive to making mistakes
without. Speak to any business partner who without fear of criticism lays the foundation
finds themselves in a position where they are for future relationships outside the family
left out in the cold after a failed partnership and boundaries.
they will tell you that things started going awry
when effective communication was no longer Rick Warren posted the following comment
a part of the deal. Or speak to any person who on his website for leaders which I would like
is facing the agony of divorce – the reason to share with you: ““Today, our culture idolizes
why the lawyers and courts will have business entertainment, sports, business success,
again is again due to a lack of communication political power and prosperity. While these
between the couple. Speak to any one in a have their place, Jesus did not die for any of
parent-teen relationship that has seemingly these things. He died for the people that you
soured overnight and the cause of the ‘wheels care for, feed and lead… we (tend to) forget
coming off’ will inevitably be blamed on the that the reason God created the entire universe
lack of communication. is because He wanted a family, and that family
is the only thing that will last forever with Him.
We communicate with one another on various Everything else on this planet is temporary, no
levels, and each of those affects us deeply. matter how much attention it gets… in God’s
Billboards and full-page advertisements in eyes, and in the perspective of His eternal
newspapers communicate their messages to purposes, what you are doing will actually last
us daily, whether good or ill. The movies we longer than what any political leader will do…
watch and the music we listen to, the television While no nation lasts forever, God’s family will.
soapies some are fond of and the books we Remember, prominence and significance is not
read all carry a message; these messages are synonymous.”
communicated to us and determine the future
choices we will make. Corporate or personal, With that I leave this issue in your hands,
business or social, spiritual or physical, these trusting that you will enjoy reading each page.
messages are an integral part of who we are.