Page 22 - MyFaithMag FEB 2018
P. 22


                            Win                                    Win                                   Win
                             1x                                     1x                                    1x

              GOD'S PROMISES                         EVERYTHING IS                         BELOFTES VIR N
           ON PRAISE & WORSHIP                          POSSIBLE                         DOELGERIGTE LEWE
                                                      JEN BRICKER

             SMS the keyword                        SMS the keyword                         SMS the keyword
          “Promises” followed by                  “Everything” followed                   “Beloftes” followed by
          your name and address                   by your name and ad-                   your name and address
            to 32697 to enter.*                  dress to 32697 to enter.*                  to 32697 to enter.*

                            Win                                    Win                                   Win
                             1x                                     1x                                    1x

            THE DOMINO EFFECT                         LIFT THE FLAP                       VAN GELOOF TOT
                 DAVIS BUNN                          BIBLE STORIES                     GELOOF N DAAGLIKSTE
                                                                                               RIG LYN

              SMS the keyword                       SMS the keyword                       SMS the keyword
            “Domino” followed by                   “Stories” followed by                 “Geloof” followed by
           your name and address                 your name and address                  your name and address
              to 32697 to enter.*                   to 32697 to enter.*                   to 32697 to enter.*

          * SMS cost R1.50 per entry. Competition opens on 1 February 2018 and closes 28 February 2018 and is open to SA Residents only.

          There is no limit to the amount of entries by any person. Each SMS received is automatically put into the draw which will take place on
          the first Friday of the new calendar month. No single person may receive a free giveaway in three consecutive months. No employees
          of the River Corporation or its affiliates are eligible to receive any of the prizes through the SMS line. The prize winners will be published
          in myFaith Magazine and prizes will be posted free of charge. No correspondence will be entered into at all with any of the entrants
          concerning the awarding of prizes.
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