Page 13 - MyFaithMag FEB 2018
P. 13


                                           “First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see

                                                        clearly to remove the speck from your brothers eye.“

          If we read the Book of Psalm 10:1-18, we   coming for them. So, if anything, we need to
          will see clearly how it appears that the   really pray for those who oppress us because
          wicked  in this  world  always  succeed.   their judgement will be extremely severe.
          They become extremely arrogant and they
          gloat over their desires, while boasting of   My  excuse  before  I  gave  my  heart  to  Jesus
          abusing God. They make foolish jokes       Christ  was  that  if so-and-so  is a  Christian,
          about “Where is this God that you are      then I will go to heaven before Him, because
          always talking about?” They say to their   he does not even feed his family, he does not
          friends, “Let us go and eat, and drink and   honour his wife, and he does not pay his staff
          be merry because tomorrow we die.” They    a decent days pay for a decent days work, but
          have no respect for God and of course      it was only after I gave my life to the Lord, that
          they do not believe in eternal life.       I  realised  that  on  the  day  of  judgement,  the
                                                     man that I thought was a Christian because he
          We need to pray for these people very sincerely,   said so, was not even to be found in Heaven,
          because The Bible tells us that every knee will   because the Lord does not know him. We
          bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus   need to be more concerned about our own
          Christ is Lord. (Romans 14:11). The righteous   salvation,  our  lifestyle  and  the  way  in  which
          and unrighteous will be judged accordingly.   we manage our own lives, rather than to be
          Psalm 10 goes on to say that the wicked man’s   concerned about the evil whom the Lord
          mouth is filled with curses, deceit and with   will judge accordingly. He has promised us
          cunning plans. His thoughts are harm and evil.   that very clearly in Psalm 10. Jesus says in
          He is continually working out how he’s going   Matthew 7:5 (NKJV), “Hypocrite! First remove
          to take advantage of the innocent, the poor,   the plank from your own eye, and then you
          the widow and the orphan. He literally prowls   will see clearly to remove the speck from your
          around like a lion, waiting to take advantage of   brother’s eye.”
          the poor. He catches the needy and pulls the
          net tight.                                 We need to understand that no one on this
                                                     earth will get away scot free for actions of
          How often do we see this happening today   greed, hatred, violence, or selfishness. Every
          and many people say, “Lord, where is Your   single man will have to give an account for his
          justice?” Never forget that every single one of   life on earth.
          us, will be judged accordingly on the day of
          judgement. I don’t know how many agnostics   So, may God bless you, as you take into
          and those who have turned their backs on God   consideration your own life before you are
          come and say to me, “This God of yours, you   concerned about the supposed success of the
          say is a ‘God of justice.’ How can people like   evildoer. He will be judged by a very just and
          (and they use the names of the tyrants) of this   gracious God.
          world go free and just do what they please?”
          Well the answer to that question is, they will   God bless
          not go free and ultimately, they will not do as   Angus Buchan
          they please, because the day of judgement is
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