Page 7 - My Faith Mag MARCH 2016 web
P. 7

The Word of God clearly instructs us to be diligent in this regard. We are
                   to keep guard over our minds and hearts and not allow worrisome, fearful
                   thoughts to contaminate the soil of the gardens of our lives.

Isaiah 58:11, “And the Lord shall guide you contin-   garden and destroy your peace and joy. In the         or be anxious about any events or incidents in our
ually and satisfy you in drought and in dry places    spiritual sense, the weeds in our lives, if not im-   lives, not even when we face troublesome, trying
and make strong your bones. And you shall be like     mediately dealt with, will strangle and choke the     and difficult times!
a watered garden and like a spring of water whose     incorruptible seed of God’s Word in our hearts
waters fail not.”                                     and prevent it from producing life and faith. So      Worry is a weed!
                                                      we need to cast out these dangerous invaders
Isaiah 51:3, “For the Lord will comfort Zion; He      that are designed to stop the flow of supernatural    Worry is a weed that will most certainly choke the
will comfort all her waste places. And He will        wisdom, power and peace in our lives.                 life and faith right out of our lives! That’s why Pe-
make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like                                                          ter says we are to waste no time in casting it right
the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will be      Take a look at what 1 Peter 5 says about this very    out of our lives and replacing it with the truth of
found in her, thanksgiving and the voice of song      process of casting out the weeds from our lives!      God’s Word!
or instrument of praise.”
                                                      1 Peter 5:7-10, “Casting the whole of your care [all  Psalms 55:22 confirms this: “Cast your burden on
So, in spite of adverse or difficult circumstances,   your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns,  the Lord [releasing the weight of it] and He will
if the soil of our hearts is properly cared for, it   once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you af-    sustain you; He will never allow the [consistently]
will produce the exact abundant, fruitful life our    fectionately and cares about you watchfully.”         righteous to be moved (made to slip, fall, or fail).”
Heavenly Father purposed it to produce, since the
foundation of the world!                              The Greek word for care used in this scripture        Keeping our lives free from worry is a very impor-
                                                      is merimonao, implying worries and concerns.          tant part of tending the gardens of our lives. The
Sounds pretty wonderful doesn’t it? However,          This very same word is used in the parable of the     more we spend time getting acquainted with the
if we don’t learn to identify and recognise the       sower in Matthew 13:22, where it speaks about         truth of God’s Word, we are able to identify and
weeds from the seedlings in the gardens of our        the “cares of this world...” . Once again, the word   differentiate between thoughts that are inspired
lives, we are going to end up throwing away the       cares here is from the Greek word merimonao,          by faith and thoughts inspired by fear.
very things that can cause us joy, beauty and suc-    implying material worries and concerns that will
cess and end up spending all our time and effort      choke, suffocate and strangle faith out of us. Note,  The Word of God clearly instructs us to be dili-
nurturing the things that will destroy us!            it does not say the material things of this world     gent in this regard. We are to keep guard over
                                                      will suffocate our faith, but rather the worry over   our minds and hearts and not allow worrisome,
I love the Word of God because it doesn’t just        not having these provisions will.                     fearful thoughts to contaminate the soil of the
explain the truth of our lives having the potential                                                         gardens of our lives. Be ever mindful of how your
of becoming a magnificent, spectacular, beauti-       Then in Luke 21:34, we read again about the “cares    garden is growing. What a joy it will be to see
ful garden. It teaches us how to recognise exactly    of this life...”, the Greek translation referring to  how God’s peace and love saturate every part of
what to throw out of our gardens and what to          that same word, merimonao, except, this time it’s     it, radiating His mercy and blessing. Happy gar-
keep!                                                 connected to life - biotikos (biology). Meaning,      dening.
                                                      the worry inflicted on us through the events or
Those pesky, little life suckers, called weeds!       incidents in life that are troublesome, trying and    ANDRÉ AND JENNY ROEBERT are the pastors and co-
                                                      difficult.                                            founders of River Ministries situated in East London,
To begin with, let’s learn to identify and deal with                                                        South Africa, incorporating various ministries, each
those pesky, little life suckers, called weeds! Even  So, from studying the scripture, we can con-          geared to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the
though some weeds appear to be harmless and           clude that we are not to have anxious, worrying       nations of this world.
even beautiful, they are dangerous invaders that      thoughts about the necessities and provisions in      For more info visit:
are destined to suck the life source out of your      life or about material needs. We are not to worry

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