Page 26 - MyFaith Mag February 2017 PRINT
P. 26
Win Win Win Win
1x 1x 1x 1x
Beth Moore
Jim Downing Mark Woods SMS the keyword
“Warning” followed by SMS the keyword
SMS the keyword SMS the keyword your name and address “Undoing” followed by
“Infamy” followed by your “Bible” followed by your your name and address
name and address to to 32697 to enter.*
name and address to to 32697 to enter.*
32697 to enter.* 32697 to enter.* Intensity. Skill. Tenacity. The
bodyguards of Elite Guard- Only God knew why Jillian
War is uncomfortable for Does God have a specific ians Agency have it all. Slater agreed to return to New
Christians, and worldwide plan for your life – or mine? Orleans on the news that her
war is unfamiliar for today’s Can we really make sense Katie Singleton, a partner father had finally drunk him-
generations. Jim Downing re- of everything that happens with the Elite Guardians Pro- self to death. It’s not like they
flects on his illustrious military to us? In this bonfire of some tection Agency, stumbles were close. She hadn’t seen
career, including his experi- of the most precious of all upon her next assignment him—or her grandmother, the
ence during the bombing evangelical myths, Mark quite by accident. Spot- ice queen—in almost 20 years.
of Pearl Harbor, to show how Woods asks whether a truly ting blue lights at a familiar But when Adella Atwater, the
we can be people of faith biblical faith really supports restaurant, she stops to in- manager of her grandmoth-
during troubled times. many supposed evangelical vestigate, only to discover er’s apartment house, called
‘shibboleths’, and thereby that owner Daniel Matthews and said Jillian’s expenses
The natural human impulse is points us towards a faith that has become the target of would be paid if she’d fly in
to run from attack. Jim Down- is deeper, more dangerous, someone who will go to for the burial, a free trip to New
ing—along with countless and more fitting for adults. any lengths to put him out Orleans was too intriguing to
other soldiers and sailors at of business. Daniel might be resist.
Pearl Harbor on December concerned, but he’s not con-
7, 1941—ran toward it, fight- vinced that a bodyguard- What Adella didn’t tell her
ing to rescue his fellow navy -and a female one at that-- was that the apartment house
men, to protect loved ones is necessary. A new attack wasn’t a house at all and,
and civilians on the island, and his niece’s urgings are whatever it was, bore the dead
and to find the redemptive enough to make him recon- weight of a long and painful
path forward from a devas- sider. He and history. As soon as Jillian meets
tating war. We are protected the odd assortment of renters
from war these days, but Katie must figure out who’s and realizes that her grand-
there was a time when war behind the intimidation and mother had no idea she was
was very present in our lives, threats--before a would-be coming, she hatches a plan to
and in The Other Side of Infa- killer strikes again. escape. But the investigation
my we learn from a veteran into her father’s death quickly
of Pearl Harbor and World Lynette Eason is the bestsell- unfolds and Jillian is drawn
War II what it means to follow ing author of the Women into the lives of the colorful
Jesus into and through every of Justice series, the Deadly collection of saints and sinners
danger, toil, and snare. Reunions series, and the Hid- who pass through Saint Silva-
den Identity series, as well as nus. She soon discovers there
* SMS cost R1.50 per entry. Competition opens on Always Watching in the Elite is more at stake than she ever
1 February 2017 and closes 28 February 2017 and is Guardians series. She is the imagined. Who is behind the
open to SA Residents only. winner of an ACFW Carol baffling messages and the
Award, the Selah Award, strange relics left on the steps?
and the Inspirational Read- Is it possible that her family is
ers’ Choice Award. She lives actually cursed? Or is it just
in South Carolina. this crazy old house that holds
them all under its spell?
Jillian walks into a web of spir-
There is no limit to the amount of entries by any person. Each SMS received is automatically put into the itual and personal danger
draw which will take place on the first Friday of the new calendar month. No single person may receive borne out of her family’s bro-
a free giveaway in three consecutive months. No employees of the River Corporation or its affiliates are ken history, and despite Adel-
eligible to receive any of the prizes through the SMS line. The prize winners will be published in myFaith la’s wiliest efforts, only God
Magazine and prizes will be posted free of charge. No correspondence will be entered into at all with himself can orchestrate the
any of the entrants concerning the awarding of prizes. undoing of all that is going on
at Saint Silvanus.