Page 6 - MyFaith Mag October 2016 Web
P. 6
When we look at what is happening around the world today, there is no You see, the devil has always been a deceiver, in the Garden of Eden, he
question we are living in uncertain, troubling and dangerous times. Every deceived Adam and Eve with half-truths. He tricked them into mistrusting
time we switch on the television or pick up a newspaper; hatred, strife and God’s character and faithfulness, and caused them to believe that God’s
acts of pure evil are openly displayed, causing people great distress and Word isn’t true. He has had plenty of practice using this same tactic on
evoking feelings of hopelessness and fear. Political corruption and eco- every generation since. He does everything in his power to make things
nomic collapse are on every front, leaving people outraged and bewil- look as if God’s Word is outdated and irrelevant and simply doesn’t work.
dered concerning their future. He skilfully makes a convincing argument against the truth and power of
God’s incorruptible Word, as he sets up circumstances and whispers lies
Perhaps what is even more disturbing, is the fact that in the midst of all the into the hearts and minds of people, bringing confusion and doubt.
uncertainty and turmoil around us, there is an overwhelming amount of
deception concerning what is false and what is true. Throughout the ages, Well, the time has come for believers all around this world to stand up and
this world has seen many troubling times, yet none have been marked decide that we don’t care about what the devil has set up as appearances.
with such a staggering failure of moral compass across the globe as we We believe the Word of God and we refuse to doubt its truth!
see happening today. You see, sound moral compass has always been a
stabilising contrast to the instability that surrounds it, because its bearings A few days ago, I was reading an article written by Gloria Copeland. She
are based on the eternal truth of God’s Word. However, today’s seemingly likened the devil’s deceptive nature to a cleverly produced magic show.
‘progressive’ opinion has steered entirely away from any biblical stand We’ve all seen those illusions when someone crawls inside a box and then
point. It is deceiving people and steadily pushing them further and further is sawn in half. You can see it with your own eyes. The person’s feet are
away from the only stabilising truth in this word, God’s Word. sticking out one end of the box and their head is poking out the other. And
the box is separated as it is plainly cut in two,. Then, the magician slides
Many people find it difficult to believe God’s promises because they see the two halves back together and the person who appeared to be in two
so many things in this natural world that are in stark contrast to them. The pieces, jumps out of the box in one piece!
promises they are standing on God’s word for seem to fail them and dis-
couragement tips the scale of hopelessness and desperation in their lives. Did we believe, even for one moment that the person was actually cut in
But more than ever before, I know there are believers that have felt an half? Of course not! We all knew that we had seen an illusion, something
intense roar stir on the inside of them. A warrior like cry, from the depth of that appeared one way but in reality, was completely untrue. Even though
their spirits to rise up and declare the truth that the devil is a deceiver and our eyes saw one thing, we refused to believe it because we knew it wasn’t
God’s Word is true! the truth.
6 | OCTOBER 2016