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DSTV CHANNEL 341                                                                          FAMILY OF NETWORKS

OCT 2016                                                                              



SPONSORED BY PARABLES TELEVISION NETWORK                                            20:00
DRAMA/FAMILY                                                                        LOVE WAITS
1 OCTOBER                                                                           DRAMA/FAMILY
                                                                                    8 OCTOBER

Set in the small fictional American southern town of Mountain Brook, the            14-year-old Cheri Martin’s world is turned upside down after the death of her
movie ‘WELCOME TO INSPIRATION’ follows a diverse cast of characters as              mother and a family move from a small town in Nebraska to a larger city in the
they struggle in their lives. A young musician wishes to share his gift with a      South. Her fragile psyche appears to be an easy mark for Judy Green, the social
larger audience; a widow copes with the death of her soldier daughter; a small      queen at Cheri’s new school, who spearheads a stamp-out-virginity campaign.
business owner sacrifices her freedom for the safety of a young runaway; a
mechanic finds a family by finding his faith; and a man and woman strengthen        Judy turns her attention and efforts toward converting Cheri when she finds
their marriage by seeking the Lords wisdom. One main theme explored in              out that the newcomer is still sexually pure. How will a young lady in Cheri’s
‘WELCOME TO INSPIRATION’ is that you too can live a life of irrefutable suc-        predicament succeed in making Godly decisions, especially since her father
cess if you learn and act upon the things that God has revealed to you!             has withdrawn from God since the loss of his wife?

A HORSE CALLED BEAR                                                                 DISCONNECT, RECONNECT
DRAMA/FAMILY                                                                        FAMILY
15 OCTOBER                                                                          22 OCTOBER

After his mother unexpectedly dies, 17-year-old Ethan discovers he is the owner     Mark Van Der Poole, his wife, and two teenagers all understand what being “con-
of his mother’s horse - a horse he never even knew existed. He travels cross        nected” is all about : Twitter, Facebook, Cell Phones, iPads, GPS – their frantic lives
country to live with his grandparents and investigate the mystery. His grand-       are bound to gadgets too numerous to count! This noisy backdrop turns suddenly
mother is supportive but his angry grandfather Otto doesn’t seem to want him        into awkward silence when a mysterious glitch brings the entire communications
around.                                                                             grid to a sudden halt!

Next door live three children who are taking riding lessons at the same farm        Sudden withdrawal from gadget-driven addictions force the Van Der Poole fam-
where his mother’s horse is boarded. Their lives intersect as Ethan deals with his  ily together against their will, to face the best – and worst – in each other as they
grief over his mother’s death and the children deal with a neighborhood bully       explore old fashioned fun, family and faith. In the process, they rediscover the
whose father works at the horse farm. The journey for Ethan, Otto, the three        real connectedness they hadn’t even realized they had lost.
children, the bully and her father all revolve around a gentle and faithful horse
called Bear who deeply touches all their lives. This is a delightful redemption-                                 
themed family movie that will appeal to children, teens, horse-lovers and people
of all ages.

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