Page 13 - MyFaith Dec 2016(1)
P. 13
So after six months of purging through a singer/songwriter and teacher—attends, One of the perks of this season of life, he
a quarter-century of life as they knew it, and has begun building a new community, says, is “knowing who you are, and what
Paul and Rita left their church family with reaching out to churches like Christ Taber- you’re good at, and even though we tend to
a blessing, and headed back to the land nacle in the Bronx, Redeemer Church and discount our experiences, I consider it a gift
from whence they came, the northeast. Trinity Grace. to be trusted by worship teams of various
They bounced around between their oldest denominations, a precious gift. And for as
daughter Sarah’s place near Philadelphia and Most recently, members of this community, long as they’ll let me, I want to be an authen-
their son David’s studio apartment, eventually including worship leaders and musicians tic voice… sharing, listening, praying, advising,
landing in a one-bedroom apartment in New from around NY and the northeast, joined a friend and pastor to other pastors… to
York City. him in creating a new album. This com- affirm and serve the church with no agenda
munity includes labelmates The Brilliance and to experience the beauty in that.”
“Parenthood is not for the fainthearted,” says ( John Arndt, David Gungor) along with Onaje
Paul, who is the grandfather of two. “Young Jefferson (Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir) and “Most of all, I want to be an authentic human,
adult children need you just as much as worship leaders/musicians from New York a faithful husband and father,” says Paul, who
younger children do, a fact that continues to and the northeast. Vocalists Jennifer Holm beams with pride over David’s latest video
challenge my self-centeredness. It’s a fantasy and Madison Cunningham also make ap- production, daughter Cherie’s entrance into a
that we get to do whatever we want when pearances, and Baloche’s wife, Rita, and son, Master’s program and Sarah’s growing fam-
we want, but I have to learn to be a better David, round out the contributions. ily. “To finish well, maybe in 50 years or so,
listener that’s my deepest desire. I hold it precious.”
The resulting project, Your Mercy, which has
and only give advice when it’s asked for. already received a 5-star review from Wor-
When they are adults, you start relating to ship Leader magazine, is available globally
them as adults, but our nature is to want to in stores and on digital platforms through
guard them from making mistakes, life-alter- Integrity Music.
ing consequences… It’s a delicate balancing
act, like in marriage.” Recorded live in a Brooklyn studio, Your
Mercy seems an appropriate title for this new
But it’s a balancing act that the Baloches season as this “worship pastor of worship
gladly attempt while continuing to transition pastors” depends anew on God.
into this new adventure. “We don’t know ex-
actly what we’re going to do here,” said Paul Paul describes the project as “honest worship
after the move. “But our prayer is, ‘Lord, we sessions with very few overdubs… no digital
would like to be available to the church here instruments or synthesizers... a back-to-ba-
in NY, and to be an aunt and uncle or mother sics simplicity, singing together new prayers
and father to these kids in ministry who are and songs as a community to glorify God.”
just getting started’.”
For Paul, who has spent the past 30 years
Over the last 18 months, Baloche has been teaching and training worship leaders around
featured at festivals, conferences and work- the world—with instructional DVDs translated
shops in the US, UK, France, India, Nether- into 10 languages and albums in three lan-
lands and Philippines. He has also plugged guages—this new chapter holds great prom-
into a church where his son—himself ise on both personal and ministry fronts.
CL DECEMBER 2016 - JANUARY 2017 | 13